Alex Dytrych

Alex Dytrych

(1 reviews)
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Full-stack JavaScript developer & teacher who builds delightful, high-performance tools, products, and games.
Full-stack JavaScript developer & teacher who builds delightful, high-performance tools, products, and games.

I'm a full-stack developer who specialises in creating delightful, high-performance web applications with React and Node.js. I have 5 years experience building apps, games and tools for the web, working with a wide range of technologies.

I've been teaching & facilitating as long as I've been coding. I've run courses on web programming for beginners, taught business executives to build their own IoT devices, and introduced 7-year-olds to game design.

As well as teaching and programming, I've also run my own startup - we were built a game that teaches children how to code. I know exactly how important it is to test ideas, rapidly iterate, prototype to build a truly delightful piece of software.

London (+01:00)
Joined March 2017
6 years experience | 2 endorsements
Over the course of my career, I've worked on a wide range of front-end JavaScript projects. I've built business tools, live-coding enviro...
Over the course of my career, I've worked on a wide range of front-end JavaScript projects. I've built business tools, live-coding environments, games, e-commerce front-ends, and more. I've been teaching in-person JavaScript workshops for the past 4 years.
5 years experience | 1 endorsement
Most of the projects I've worked on in the last 5 years have involved Node in some way. I've written many RESTful APIs in Node, a large G...
Most of the projects I've worked on in the last 5 years have involved Node in some way. I've written many RESTful APIs in Node, a large GraphQL API, and several real-time services using websockets. As well as writing node, I know how to profile, optimise, and cache Node services to help them run as fast and reliably as possible. I mentor at Node Girls here in London - a workshop every few months women and non-binary people about Node.js.
2 years experience | 2 endorsements
React (+ family) seem like a huge step forward in the world of web dev, but the learning curve for beginners (particularly around React's...
React (+ family) seem like a huge step forward in the world of web dev, but the learning curve for beginners (particularly around React's subtle gotchas) is steep. I've used React in a bunch of projects over the last few years and learnt a lot of those lessons the hard way. I've worked extensively with Relay.JS and GraphQL, and have architected a light-weight, high-performance e-commerce frontend with React and Redux.


(1 reviews)
Anton Loss
Anton Loss
April 2017
Alex definitely knows his stuff! Experienced React and Node developer, with a talent for explaining!