Ivan Jovanovic

Ivan Jovanovic

(6 reviews)
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Senior Full Stack Developer, JS lover
Senior Full Stack Developer, JS lover

I am Ivan, full stack developer currently working in Clevertech where we help people to change the world and make it even better! I've been in IT industry for more than 6 years and worked for many different companies and startups.

I am able to work on frontend and backend part of web applications and I am also interested in iOS and Android native applications. In my everyday work, I use lot of JavaScript for frontend and backend, PHP, Angular, Less, Jade, Gulp.. I am also experienced in C and Java and many different and modern web frameworks. I love testing and automation, I want to automate all things in my life!

In my career, I've increased my social skills and I am able to talk with clients and lead small teams. I am also interested in mentorships and sharing my knowledge.

I am investing lot in my education. I am reading couple books every month and practicing every day. I like to explore all platforms and write code in many different programming languages.

Serbian, English
Belgrade (+02:00)
Joined August 2016
6 years experience
I have been working with PHP for more than 6 years on big systems that were used by couple thousands of users everyday. I am experienced ...
I have been working with PHP for more than 6 years on big systems that were used by couple thousands of users everyday. I am experienced in OOP, writing tests and scaling big PHP systems.
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6 years experience | 2 endorsements
I've been using JS since I started to program. That's my favourite language and I am using it every day for job and some side projects. I...
I've been using JS since I started to program. That's my favourite language and I am using it every day for job and some side projects. I am using it on Frontend and Backend and also to program mobile apps!
3 years experience | 1 endorsement
I have been using Laravel for more than 3 years in many commercial projects, such as replayrobot.com, deadlinefunnel.com, surveyfunnelsof...
I have been using Laravel for more than 3 years in many commercial projects, such as replayrobot.com, deadlinefunnel.com, surveyfunnelsoftware.com, awprotools.com, pastpin.com.. Started at version 3, using most latest version now! Thinking that it's the best PHP framework ever!
Eloquent ormLaravelPHPLaravel 4Laravel 5Laravel 5.1Laravel angularj sLaravel angular js nodejs
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2 years experience | 2 endorsements
I am using NodeJS in everyday work, in my company and for my personal stuff and projects. NodeJS is awesome, I am in love with it and I a...
I am using NodeJS in everyday work, in my company and for my personal stuff and projects. NodeJS is awesome, I am in love with it and I am creating awesome stuff with it. I've worked on big production apps built on Node and on high scale apps that are used by many users every day!
6 years experience | 2 endorsements
I am using HTML/CSS every day for coding various pages from a design and for customising pages. I am able to explain how CSS does some st...
I am using HTML/CSS every day for coding various pages from a design and for customising pages. I am able to explain how CSS does some stuff and to fix different design problems!


(6 reviews)
King Yasin
King Yasin
August 2016
Again fantastic help and speed, I can not recommend enough this guy. Awesome!!!
King Yasin
King Yasin
August 2016
Fixed the bug immediately. fantastic.