Nazmul Hasan

Nazmul Hasan

Rising Codementor
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I'm iOS application developer based on swift and Objective-C. I want to prompt myself Web and Mobile QA & UX, clean code.
I'm iOS application developer based on swift and Objective-C. I want to prompt myself Web and Mobile QA & UX, clean code.

Check My stack overflow account 140+ answered 3500+ reputation on swift and iOS development for help other developer. search by StackOverflow + Nazmul Hasan

I have 2+ years experience of iOS development swift and Objective-C ,Automation Testing Experience , I published one more iOS App to the market. I can talk all day about Core data, Core Animation and Core Graphics , core location , Lots of experience with third party libraries, APIs and Current knowledge of mobile architecture, landscape, trends and emerging markets , The ability to create world leading beautiful and elegant user interfaces. I able to solid understanding of RESTful applications , solid understanding of the different caching techniques I can apply when developing a mobile app , solid understand of how to create data structures and ORM. Understanding of Agile methodologies and SCRUM.

Dhaka (+06:00)
Joined September 2017
2 years experience
Alamofile , SDWebImage, swiftyJson,IGListKit,SOLID, MVVM , VIPER, Design Pattern
Alamofile , SDWebImage, swiftyJson,IGListKit,SOLID, MVVM , VIPER, Design Pattern
APIJSONMobile UIMobile ux
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1 year experience
I have done 11+ app and I can do programmatically UI design or storyboard to 100% meet mock up design. I am well know about SOLID , mobil...
I have done 11+ app and I can do programmatically UI design or storyboard to 100% meet mock up design. I am well know about SOLID , mobile app design pattern, unit test code. able to write clean code. and flowing Agile
2 years experience
I able to integrating API to the mobile app flowing clean architecture. so it maintainable code.
I able to integrating API to the mobile app flowing clean architecture. so it maintainable code.
Software architectsJSONSoftware Development
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Software architectsJSONSoftware DevelopmentClean codeSOLID PrinciplesMocking
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2 years experience
I can do programmatically UI design or storyboard to 100% meet mock up design. clean code boilerplate code written avoid duplication code...
I can do programmatically UI design or storyboard to 100% meet mock up design. clean code boilerplate code written avoid duplication code reuse UI code interacted pixel handle for iOS app
PrototypingMobile app ui designerMobile ux
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PrototypingMobile app ui designerMobile uxSketchPhotoshop
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