

(2 reviews)
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Frontend & Mobile Architect @Webtrekk - Berlin
Frontend & Mobile Architect @Webtrekk - Berlin

Making sure design & data tell the same story, create some pictures once a while.

Dutch, French, English
Brussels (+02:00)
Joined July 2015
7 years experience
I was a Tech Reviewer for the O'Reilly Head First JavaScript Programming book. Because of my helpful contributions they put my name and p...
I was a Tech Reviewer for the O'Reilly Head First JavaScript Programming book. Because of my helpful contributions they put my name and picture in the book. Whenever I got time besides mentoring on Thinkful I try to contribute to Open Source projects.
Es6JavaScript EventsJavaScript OOPJavaScript MVCHead first javascript programming
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4 years experience
Have been using Angular for the past few years. The first project I made with Angular is still online and running for 4 years now: http:/...
Have been using Angular for the past few years. The first project I made with Angular is still online and running for 4 years now: Of course my code looks much better now since Angular has evolved and so did I. Mainly I work with the Angular Style Guide by John Papa to create clean and robust code. I got experience with working with Angular and Cordova etc.. Currently I am also maintaining a big project written with AngularJS using version 1.6
2 years experience
Using Node for regular software apps as well as in embedded devices. (Raspberry Pi)
Using Node for regular software apps as well as in embedded devices. (Raspberry Pi)
4 years experience
As a WP plugin developer I created some business themes. Also contributed to some Open Source projects related to WordPress. (See my GitHub)
As a WP plugin developer I created some business themes. Also contributed to some Open Source projects related to WordPress. (See my GitHub)
4 years experience
Besides using jQuery for the cross browser convenience. I have created several plugins to work with WordPress modules and themes.
Besides using jQuery for the cross browser convenience. I have created several plugins to work with WordPress modules and themes.
4 years experience
Mainly worked with PHP as a OO plugin developer for WordPress. Yes sometimes they can be more Object Oriented, but it wasn't easy!
Mainly worked with PHP as a OO plugin developer for WordPress. Yes sometimes they can be more Object Oriented, but it wasn't easy!
3 years experience
Used it for a while on Linux, Windows and Mac OS X. Created a presentation a few years ago about the basics, have a look and share it if ...
Used it for a while on Linux, Windows and Mac OS X. Created a presentation a few years ago about the basics, have a look and share it if you like it:
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(2 reviews)
Dave Ekhaus
Dave Ekhaus
December 2015