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(51 reviews)
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Shipped Many  iOS Apps as a Lead Engineer. Founder at ikiApps.
Shipped Many  iOS Apps as a Lead Engineer. Founder at ikiApps.

I am a software engineer with ten years of experience developing and deploying high-quality applications. I have a strong understanding of Swift, Objective-C, Python, JavaScript, C/C++, and a proven track record of delivering reliable code to millions of users. My experience includes working on individual and team projects, covering all aspects of the development cycle, including design, development, testing, and deployment.

Hawaii (-10:00)
Joined October 2015
8 years experience | 5 endorsements
I code in iOS every day and I’ve shipped numerous apps to the App Store both as a lead engineer for multiple startups and as an independe...
I code in iOS every day and I’ve shipped numerous apps to the App Store both as a lead engineer for multiple startups and as an independent developer.
5 years experience | 4 endorsements
Swift is my preferred language for apps. I’m also able to fluently go back and forth between Objective-C and Swift.
Swift is my preferred language for apps. I’m also able to fluently go back and forth between Objective-C and Swift.
2 years experience
SwiftUI is the declarative, modern tool for handling state and the user interface. It is my new focus and preference and integrates with...
SwiftUI is the declarative, modern tool for handling state and the user interface. It is my new focus and preference and integrates with Combine.
5 years experience
I'm using Combine (previously RxSwift) to unify handling of complex operations and migrating existing ones to the reactive paradigm.
I'm using Combine (previously RxSwift) to unify handling of complex operations and migrating existing ones to the reactive paradigm.
5 years experience
5 years experience | 2 endorsements
I use Xcode every day.
I use Xcode every day.
5 years experience | 1 endorsement
I’ve worked extensively with Objective-C to build apps on the App Store.
I’ve worked extensively with Objective-C to build apps on the App Store.


(51 reviews)
James Botts
James Botts
October 2016
Amazing skills with debugging.
James Botts
James Botts
October 2016
Very helpful!! Very pleasant to work with. I give him my highest rating. He is very patient with me. I am a neophyte and very much appreciated his professionalism, communication skills, friendliness and attitude.
James Botts
James Botts
October 2016
Very helpful. Session was fantastic. Great skills, very friendly, and very professional.
James Botts
James Botts
October 2016
I am a neophyte to making an Apple App. Daniel was very helpful in his explanations and his fund of knowledge was excellent. It was a very pleasant and informative session.
September 2016
Great mentor! Patient and knowledgable!
Adam Kundrat
Adam Kundrat
August 2016
Fantastic mentor!
Mikkel Jensen
Mikkel Jensen
August 2016
Daniel is great to explain how things work and should be done. Start a session with Daniel if you are stuck or have some problems with your code. He can definitely help you!
August 2016
Daniel, is great. He grasped what needed to be done and helped me understand it as he worked through the various services that needed to be set up for my migration off of Parse.com to AWS.
malcolm parrish
malcolm parrish
March 2016
Amazing instructor!
February 2016
Really great!
HeartBondView Project
The best heart graphing app to see the bigger picture.
The best heart graphing app to see the bigger picture.
Core Data
Reactive Programming
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Core Data
Reactive Programming
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