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Learning resources

Last updated May 22, 2018

Full stack developer, Java expert, Bash and Git ninja

These are my favorite learning resources, I recommend to beginner and experienced programmers alike.

Codility lessons

A little known gem is Codility's Lessons section. I suggest to start from the beginning, and follow through until the end. If you're impatient, I highlighted some of my favorite lessons. Read the PDFs first, and then solve the exercise for practice.

Code Review Stack Exchange

Code Review is another member of the Stack Exchange sites, such as Stack Overflow. On Code Review, a valid question must contain fully working code, and posters must be open to improvement ideas regarding any and all aspects of the posted code. It's a great opportunity to get your code peer reviewed, and to receive valuable feedback from other programmers in order to improve your programming skills, develop good practices and get rid of bad habits.

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