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Use requirejs for lazyloading the components with VueRouter instead of webpack or similars

Published Aug 06, 2018
Use requirejs for lazyloading the components with VueRouter instead of webpack or similars

Hi! 😃
I want to show you to lazy loading each component via requirejs instead of using webpack or es6.

I like to use these way, because iam not familiary with "ES6" or things like that.

Let's get started.

  1. First, yo have to add the reference to requirejs in your index.html
  <script src="" data-main="main"></script>    
  1. Second, create a main.js in your root folder, then put something these script in your main.js:
// Then add these configuration, 
// The require-text, vue, and vuejs. Please copy and paste these literally.
// In here you can paste your others libraries.
    paths: {
        'text': '',
        "Vue": "",
        "vue": "",
        "VueRouter": ""
    shim: {"Vue": {"exports": "Vue"}}

// These function calls every "Component" to find it.
function view(name) {
    return function (resolve) {
        return require([name], resolve);

//Init the require function with Vue Router and Vue.
require(["Vue", "VueRouter"], function (Vue, VueRouter) {

// Here is the "trick" because we define each "Component" in our list, but it will load when will be loaded, instead of the first call of the page. 
//Beatiful?! :) 
//Remember to declare every Component in these list.
    var routes = [
        {path: '/thePathForURI', name: "folder1", component: view("folderComponents/folder1/nameFileJs")}
    ///.. Acá iran las demás rutas 

//Then attach the list to VueRouter.
    var router = new VueRouter({"routes": routes});
    //Then all the everybody knows.
    var app = new Vue({"router": router, "data": {}, "methods": {}).$mount('#app');

  1. Create the folder "folderComponents" , and create a subfolder called it "folder1", remember you can create N Folders, each has a component.
    3.1 Inside of the "folder1" create two files: "nameFileJs.html" and "nameFileJs.html".
    3.2 Inside of the "nameFileJs.html" put the html that you want.
    3.3 Inside of the "nameFileJs.js" put a structure like these:
//The trick it's here, in the define "(text!...) these it's the reference of the html
define(['text!folderComponents/folder1/nameFileJs.html'], function (htmlTemplate) {
  var VueComponent = function () {
   		var self = this;
        //Then we have the HTML lazy loaded or "ajax" loaded.
        self.template = htmlTemplate; 
        //Then all the scructure of the VUE = {};
        self.created = {};
         self.methods = {}; 
     //Remember to return your Compomentn :)
    return new VueComponent();

Thats it! 😉
Enjoy your code 😃

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Clemson Tiger
4 years ago

Is there any way to accomplish this while keeping the html template and JS for the components in the same file?

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