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Drupal - Update node field using Ajax jQuery

Published Jul 03, 2019

To update node field programmatically, first need to create a custom module as following:

Step 1:
You need to create a folder with your desired module name on sites/all/modules/ directory. And inside your newly created folder create two files as below:

In file, add the following:
name = your_custom
description = describe the purpose of your module
core = 7.x

Note: Don't use uppercase letter for name, description and core, then you wont able to see that in your modules page.

Now go to page where you can see your custom module available to install. Please install and then use it as your desire.

Next, in your_custom.module file, add the following:
//your custom code goes here

Note: Don't close the php tag with ?> as per drupal standards.

Now we successfully created the custom module.

Step 2:
Create a custom javascript file here we assume as custom.js.
Inside this file, add the following:

url: path/to/your_custom.module
data: data
type: json
success: function(data){

That's all now we have done all things to update a node field.

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