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Ternary Search Algorithm: Explained with example.

Published Sep 25, 2020Last updated Mar 23, 2021
Ternary Search Algorithm: Explained with example.

The ternary search algorithm is a fast searching algorithm for finding maximum or minimum of a unimodal function. It is similar to binary search and comes under divide and conquer paradigm. It can also be used to search the maximum value of f(x)f(x) in the range [L,R][L, R] if unimodal property is satisfied in this range.

What is unimodal function

A function is said to be unimodal if it obeys one of the following properties.

  • The function strictly increases first, reaches maximum and then strictly decreases.
  • The function strictly decreases first, reaches minimum and then strictly increases.

Visual representation of the Unimodal function (source: GeeksForGeeks)


Problem Statement

Given a unimodal function f(x)=6+x0.5x2f(x) = 6 + x - 0.5x ^2. Find the maximum value of f(x)f(x) for integer xx where 109<x<109-10^9 < x < 10^9 .

Brute Force Solution

The simple brute force approach for the above problem is to enumerate all the possible values of xx from 109-10^9 to 10910^9, calculate the value of f(x)f(x) and note down the maximum of all the obtained values of f(x)f(x). This looks to be a correct solution, but the time complexity for the above approach is o(n)o(n) where nn is range of values that xx can take. In this case n is of order 21092 * 10^9 which is huge in terms of time complexity.

While this problem can also be solved using binary search, lets try to explore solution using ternary search algorithm. The above given function is a quadratic equation and is a unimodal in nature, thus we can apply ternery search on this problem.

Here let me explain working of ternery search. We will start with search space equal to full range [L,R][L, R]. In each iteration, we will remove one-third of the search space range which will not contain the maximum value. We will do this until the search space exhausts. At the end, we will have our maximum.

Consider our range is denoted by ll and rr. We will find two points p1p1 - represents one third part of range and p2p2 - represents two third part of the range.

p1=l+rl3p1 = l + \frac{r - l}{3}

p2=rrl3p2 = r - \frac{r - l}{3}

  • if f(p1)<f(p2)f(p1) < f(p2), our maximum cannot be in range [l,p1][l, p1], so our new range will be (p1,r](p1, r]
  • if f(p1)>f(p2)f(p1) > f(p2), our maximum cannot be in range [p2,r][p2, r], so our new range will be [l,p2)[l, p2)
  • if f(p1)==f(p2)f(p1) == f(p2), our maximum cannot be in range [l,p1)[l, p1) && (p2,r](p2, r], so our new range will be [p1,p2][p1, p2]

Now let's write a python code to implement the above technique and solve the given problem.

# returns the value of f(x)
def f(x):
    return 6 + x - 0.5 * x * x

low = -1e9
high = 1e9
ans_index = None
while low <= high:
    # p1 represents the one-third part of the range
    p1 = low + (high - low) // 3 
    # p2 represents the two third part of the range
    p2 = high - (high - low) // 3
    if f(p1) < f(p2):
        # the final answer can be p2 at this instance, hence update the answer
        ans_index = p2 
        # reduce the search space to (p1, high]
        low = p1 + 1
        # reduce the search space to [low, p2)
        high = p2 - 1

# Final answer


The above code prints 6.56.5 as the maximum value of f(x)f(x) which is the correct answer.

Time Complexity

If the initial length of the range is nn, after one iteration the remaining length will be 2n/32n/3. Therefore the Run time equation can be derived as,

T(n)=T(2n/3)+1T(n) = T(2n / 3) + 1

Solving the above equation, we get the time complexity to be o(log(n))o(log(n))


The ternary search can be used to solve many problems that involve unimodular behaviour in them. It has a very simple implementation and is very easy to understand.

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