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Class vs Object vs Instance

Published Mar 13, 2020
Class vs Object vs Instance


A Class defines the structure, property, and behaviour of an Object. You can think of a Class as a blueprint. Exactly like building a house, you use a blueprint to create a particular model, maybe a 3 bedroom detached dwelling. You would have a different blueprint for a 5 bedroom dwelling for example. Its the same with Classes in their simplest form, you could define a Class representing a 3 bedroom dwelling, and another Class that represents a 5 bedroom dwelling.


An Object is created from a Class, like a house is created from a blueprint. You could use a blueprint of a 3 bedroom home to build multiple 3 bedroom homes - 1 blueprint to create multiple 3 bedroom homes. This is what happens with a Class. You can create multiple Objects from your single Class - remember, a Class is just the blueprint for creating Objects of the same type.


So we've taken our blueprint (Class), and created multiple 3 bedroom homes (Objects), but how do we refer to one particular home (Object) we've built? We refer to a particular Object as an Instance. If I were to paint the frontdoor of one of the homes, I would be painting the door of a particular Instance of the Objects (home) created from my Class (blueprint).

This is a very simplistic model but I hope it helps.

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Lakshita Kamboj
3 years ago

Thanks, Thanks, Thanks!!! I have started learning how to code very recently and was always confused about object, class, and instance. Your explanation has really helped me. Can’t thank you enough. Love from India.

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