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Algorithms, building a staircase.

Published Sep 07, 2020
Algorithms, building a staircase.

i've been studying algorithms and some of the problems that i needed to solve was how to create an staircase using spaces and "#" symbol. The Staircase should be


with only one input indicating n, the staircase should return the satircase like this


if n is 4.

My solution was.

let repeatFn = (strIn, q) => {
    return strIn.repeat(q);

function staircase(n) {

    let hash = '#';
    let spaces = ' ';
    let stairCaseSpaces = '';
    let stairCaseHashes = '';
    let stairCaseFinal = '';

    for(let i=1; i<= n; i++){

        stairCaseSpaces = repeatFn(spaces, n-i);
        stairCaseHashes = repeatFn(hash, i);
        stairCaseFinal = stairCaseSpaces.concat(stairCaseHashes);



module.exports = staircase;
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