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Flutter or React Native in 2021, which way to go?

Published Apr 15, 2020Last updated Feb 09, 2021
Flutter or React Native in 2021, which way to go?

Hi Everyone,
Being an app developer might have made you wonder to go with the technology you don't know about. Right?
Suppose you are a JS developer and sudden adaption of flutter makes you feel like to learn it or vice versa.

Is flutter worth it?

Flutter has gain a lot of attention since its first stable release, because of its features.
Features? Wait !! Does it have something unique to native development or hybrid.
Well, flutter is powered by Dart and why it is good to learn. Answer is dart!!

  1. Dart is Object oriented language, just like C++ and java.

  2. But it has feature of all other programming languages. Remember async and callback functions in JS. Well, Dart has it too.

  3. Dart is dart. No other language mixed up libraries unlike JS module. In flutter, everything is written in dart. It means that you can edit modules and customize things according to you very easily.

  4. JIT and AOT compiler? JIT (Just in time) compiler used for development and AOT(Ahead of Time) compiler is used for production development.Make sure you know the basics of compiler so that it makes sense to you why and how these compiler are important during development of an app.

  5. Code you just write on flutter is directly converted to assembly code according to processor used, i.e ARM32, ARM64, x86_64 and so on. Means your App gives you same performance as Native App.

So React Native is dead?

React native is a great tool to develop hybrid app. And definitely it is not dead and community is not leaving it. Flutter is getting attention because it gives promise to the user for better performance and backward compatibility.

React native is a great choice if your app is UI/UX centric and it gives has tons of library out there. building app with react native is easy if you are familiar with React. It provides fast development tool and yeah, it has future too.

Which one should I choose for my app development?

It depends on your cases, like...

  1. Is there any heavy work going on your app? Ans. Flutter

  2. Does your app has lots of graphical/UI complexity? Ans. React Native

  3. Does your app has multiple user input features like chat app/ forum ? Ans. React Native

  4. Does your app has performance issue, i.e each framedrop is important. Like stock trading app? Ans. Flutter

So yeah, it depends what you are going to build. It's better to dive in both tech and they work totally in different way has their each pros and cons.


I hope you understand that no tech is bad or not. It depends on your need and how you're gonna build it?

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post comments4Replies
O. James “ojt” Tibbles
4 years ago

Flutter has both a chat app and a video streaming plugin. so for multi-user input feature Flutter is also great.
Webview is better with React Native at the moment, and the file size is a little smaller than flutter. But those are the only 2 benefits over Flutter right now, and I think this will change over the next 12 months. I can see Flutter winning out in the long term.

Saurabh Patwal
4 years ago

You are right.
Both technologies are good but again it depends on your project use case.

Maxim Filimonov
4 years ago

I was making a similar choice for a client recently and went with Flutter.
The main consideration was actually UX guidelines which are used in all Flutter apps. React Native components libraries is very fragment ecosystem and way harder to find a solution if you encounter a problem.

Pushpendra Sharma
4 years ago

A brief and clear explanation. Loved it :-)

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