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Enhance your learning in Angular

Published Dec 11, 2019

Announced by Google in 2009 Angular has grown to become one of the most famous JavaScript frameworks till now. It doesn’t bring any significant innovative and revolutionary solutions to developers.
Angular JS Concepts
 Directives to extend HTML attribute.
 Unit testing.
 Two-way data binding.
 Event-handling.
 Scope to control variables.
 Composability.
 Controllers.
 Expressions to bind data to HTML.
 Services
 Routing.
 Rendering of HTML.
At the same time, AngularJS is also used by developers to manipulate jQuery-ish DOM libraries. If you want to learn about these concepts, you can join the Angular training course in Noida

Reasons why you should learn Angular
While AngularJS doesn’t suit every project idea, it builds amazing apps. The most valuable reasons of AngularJS usefulness lie in their concepts and benefits that they provide. However, documentation and wide community also give a point to Angular usage. But let’s be constructive and take everything step by step:

• Rich community: It presents a large scale of options to developers as well as clients. Developers may simply find different info and solutions. Clients have deeper choices of development teams
• Simple code: While the code is more readable to readers it is a way simpler to maintain. Further, clients don’t adhere to developers in this case and have the least problems if change programmers that maintain it.
• Customizable: Developers don’t need to use all libraries and even may change them. As a consequence, the framework size may be massively reduced.
• Flexible: Filters provide distilling data before it gets into the picture. So, it helps to deal with formatting, pagination and reversing a text.
• Fast: While many big and complex web app takes ample time to develop, AngularJS provides developing small apps fast. Besides, it additionally may be used to develop large projects.

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