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Angular 6 ngx-errors broken?

Published Oct 24, 2018
Angular 6 ngx-errors broken?

Is ngx-errors broken for you with Angular 6? well… here’s why and how to fix it.

With the release of Angular 6 we got a new version of Rxjs, Rxjs 6.x to be precise, it represents a huge improvement in three shaking support and composability of operators.

However ngx-errors stopped working as well since it has Rxjs 5 as dependency, the project has on-going pull request aimed to update the dependencies but they have gone ignored, the project hasn’t seen commit or pull request merge activity since February 2018, so chances are that contributors are taking a break 😃.

So what do we do? Do we need to go back to the old method for error display in forms?

The Solution

The pull request author for the fix actually grow tired of waiting for the original package author to do anything, so he took action and published his fork to npm under the namespace @hackages/ngxerrors , it’s a fork of the original package with updated dependencies so it’s basically a drop-in replacement for the original one, here’s a 1 liner command in bash to apply this solution:

npm rm @ultimate/ngxerrors && npm i @hackages/ngxerrors

Thanks to Hackages for taking action and publishing his fixed fork, hope the one here in medium is the same user as the author.

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