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Azure DevOps Guardrails– Naming Conventions and Standards

Published Apr 04, 2021
Azure DevOps Guardrails– Naming Conventions and Standards

The purpose of for this post is to ensure that our clients are implementing preliminary baseline set of CICD controls within their cloud-based environments.

Azure DevOps #CICD #Release Flow #Azure

We need guardrails to bring a team to be productive and to a state that can work well with Azure DevOps pipelines.

DevOps team needs to define team agreements in early stages before any organization starting their CICD journey before it is too late. If not, in some points, you will realize that nearly every member has his own and mostly very rational interpretation and view on how git branches should be arranged, how folders should be structured, how database views should be named, and so on, then it will be much harder to define any effective DevOps pipelines.

What will be covered in this blog posting:

  • Microsoft "Release Flow" as a practical Git branching strategy
  • Repository Naming Convention
  • Repository Folder Structure
  • Pipeline Naming Convention
  • Branching Naming Convention

Release Flow


Release Flow is Microsoft’s model of branching and merging. It is how they manage nearly all their production deployments and releases. They also use Azure DevOps internally so it supports it well.

This is how developers get changes into our code base -- and at this point, the RF branching strategy looks like a typical trunk-based development model. But unlike some other trunk-based strategies, like GitHub Flow, we do not deploy these changes to production to test them before merging the pull request, nor do we deploy to production when the pull request is merged.

Releases at Sprint Milestones

At the end of a sprint, we create a deployment branch from the master branch: for example, at the end of release 2021.09, we create a new branch releases/r2021.09. We then put the r2021.09 branch into production.

Why Release Flow?

  • One single pipeline to manage all git branches: master, features and releases branches.
  • Less Code merge then Git Flow

We can build Azure DevOps pipelines as branching aware, possible minimal merging effort.

  • Feature branch: Builds the code and releases it to the test environment only
  • Release branch: Builds the code, releases it to the acceptance and after approval to production environments
  • Pull request: Continuous Delivery is not needed, therefore the code building happens

A sample pipeline which has two files:

  • stage-template.yaml: An abstract re-usable stage implemented using parameterized template
  • main.yaml: The entry point of the pipeline. It contains triggers, pool information, and orchestration of the stages
- features/* 
- releases/* 
- template: stage-template.yaml  
    Name: Build
    Enabled: True
- template: stage-template.yaml  
    Name: Test
    Enabled: ${{ startsWith(variables['Build.SourceBranch'], 'refs/heads/features') }}
- template: stage-template.yaml  
    Name: Functional Test
    Enabled: ${{  startsWith(variables['Build.SourceBranch'], 'refs/heads/releases') }}
- template: stage-template.yaml  
    Name: Post Test
    Enabled: ${{ startsWith(variables['Build.SourceBranch'], 'refs/heads/releases')  }}
- stage: ${{ parameters.Name }}
  displayName: '${{ parameters.Name }} Stage'
  condition: and(not(failed()), eq('${{ parameters.Enabled }}', true))
  - job: ${{ parameters.Name }}
    displayName: '${{ parameters.Name }} Job'
    - powershell: Write-Host "Job '${{ parameters.Name }}' is running. Parameter Enabled - '${{ parameters.Enabled }}' "   

Repository Naming Convention Sample

General naming recommendations for Git repositories are:

  • use lower case
  • use dashes



aws-ansible # not AWS_ANSIBLE
sql-aws-db # not SqlAwsDB

Repository Folder Structure Sample

Any project needs to have a consistent folder structure in the repository. A sample top-level directory layout:

├── build # YAML release pipeline definitions
├── docs # Documentation files (alternatively doc)
├── resources # Resource files, like ARM templates (alternatively res)
├── src # Source files (alternatively lib or app)
├── tests # Automated tests (alternatively spec or test)
├── scripts # Tools and utilities (alternatively 'tools')

Pipeline Naming Convention Sample

{Repo Name} : { Pipeline Description }

Goal: To keep pipelines in DevOps UI visually bounded to related repositories

Repo Name is the name of the repository to which the pipeline belongs
Pipeline Description describes what the pipeline does, for instance: CI Build or CD Release
git-app-repo : ci-build

References: GOC Guardrails, Azure DevOps Release Flow, Alex Volok Consultancy

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