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Event-Driven Architecture with Ruby on Rails

Published Mar 20, 2024
Event-Driven Architecture with Ruby on Rails

Event-Driven Architecture with Ruby on Rails


Event-driven architecture (EDA) is a software architecture pattern that promotes the production, detection, consumption, and reaction to events. In event-driven architecture, components or services communicate with each other by exchanging events, allowing for loose coupling and flexibility in system design.


  • Ruby on Rails experience
  • Experience using event queues or message-driven architectures

Key components in Event-driven architecture

Event: An event is a meaningful occurrence or state change within a system that interests the system or its users. Various sources, such as user actions, system events, or external factors, can trigger events. The event is often represented as a text message, and it may include many contextual attributes such as when it occurred, where it occurred, etc.

Event Producer: The component or service responsible for generating and emitting events. It publishes events to an event bus or directly to other components interested in those events. The event producer service can be frontend websites, microservices, IoT devices, SaaS applications, etc.

Event Consumer: The component or service that subscribes to and processes events. It reacts to events by performing specific actions or triggering further processes. The consumers in many implementations are called workers, especially when the EDA implementation includes background jobs processes and an event queue.

Event Bus: A communication channel that facilitates the exchange of events between different components or services. The event bus acts as a mediator, allowing event producers to publish events and event consumers to subscribe to the events they are interested in.

Event Handler: The logic or code that executes in response to a specific event. It is part of the event consumer and defines how the system should respond when a particular event occurs. Consumers can have different event handlers, and it is also typical to have different consumers depending on the type or structure of the event.

Event-Driven Architecture use cases

Event-driven architecture is commonly used in various domains, such as:

  • Microservices Communication: Each microservice can act as an event producer or consumer, allowing services to communicate asynchronously.

  • Real-time Data Processing: Financial trading platforms, social media feeds, and monitoring systems. Events can be processed as they occur, enabling quick reactions to changing conditions.

  • IoT (Internet of Things): IoT applications generate a vast amount of data from connected devices.EDA helps handle and process events generated by these devices, such as sensor readings, device status changes, or user interactions.

  • Log and Monitoring Systems: Events, such as application errors, performance metrics, or security alerts, can be processed and analyzed in real-time to identify issues and improve system health.

  • User Notifications and Collaboration: Applications that involve user interactions and collaboration, such as messaging platforms or collaborative editing tools, can use EDA to notify users of relevant events. For example, sending notifications when a new message is received or when changes are made to shared documents.

  • Event Sourcing: Event-driven architecture is often employed in event sourcing patterns, where changes in application state are captured as a sequence of events. This can be useful in scenarios where auditing, versioning, or reconstructing the state of the system at a specific point in time is important.

  • E-commerce: EDA can be applied in e-commerce platforms to handle events like order placement, payment confirmation, and inventory updates. Additionally, recommendation systems can utilize events to track user behavior and provide personalized recommendations.

  • Integration with Third-party Services: When integrating with external services or APIs, EDA can be used to handle events from these services, ensuring that the integration is decoupled and can adapt to changes in the external systems.

These are not all EDA use cases, but these use cases are enough to demonstrate the flexibility and scalability of event-driven architecture in addressing a wide range of scenarios where timely and loosely coupled communication is required.
It’s unnecessary to memorize all the use cases, but understanding them is essential to identify when a problem fits an EDA implementation well.

Benefits of Event-driven architecture include

Loose Coupling: Components are decoupled; this means that there is no dependency between event producers and consumers because they interact through events, allowing for independent development and changes to individual components without affecting the entire system.

Scalability: Event-driven systems can scale more efficiently, as components can be added or removed without disrupting the overall architecture.

Flexibility: The system can adapt to changing requirements or new features by adding or modifying event producers and consumers.

Asynchronicity: Events can be processed asynchronously, enabling systems to handle a large number of events without blocking or waiting for immediate responses.

Fault Tolerance: An event processing can fail; this failure doesn’t affect the system in a fatal way (downtime). These events are not discarded or deleted right away; they usually are added to a retry system, and even if they fail to be processed again, they usually end up stored somewhere; this is all generally handled by EDA tools, and its purpose is to don’t lose any data, or as less as possible.

Real-Time Handling: EDA can facilitate that events get processed very fast, allowing applications to give real time feedback, providing a good user experience.

High Performance: Using EDA tools properly configured to implement the architecture correctly results in a system that can handle many messages per minute, even thousands.

Disadvantages of event streaming

Monitoring: The EDA tools sometimes don’t provide enough monitoring features, so additional tools are needed, e.g., Datadog, Sentry, New Relic, AWS CloudWatch, Azure Monitor, etc.

Configuration: Some tools can be overwhelming due to their large amount of features or the presence of many configuration attributes. Luckily, most complex tools are well-documented and have outstanding customer support.

Architecture setup: In order to build and configure all the physical architecture (servers, event bus, security, etc.) needed for EDA implementation, it’s not trivial, so a software engineer with experience in provisioning infrastructure or a DevOps would probably be needed. An appropriate infrastructure allows the scalability and fault tolerance that we mentioned in the benefits section.

Event-Driven Architecture tools

Popular implementations of event-driven architectures include:

Message brokers:

  • Apache Kafka
  • RabbitMQ

Cloud-based solutions:

  • AWS EventBridge
  • Azure Event Grid.
  • Confluent Platform
  • Apache Pulsar (Cloud-based message broker)

More information about these tools can be found in the “Additional Resources” section.

Event-Driven Architecture implementation on Ruby on Rails project

Implementing Event-driven architecture (EDA) in a Ruby on Rails project involves setting up an event bus, creating event producers, and developing event consumers.
I'll provide a step-by-step guide using a simple example. For this example, let's consider a scenario where we have a blog application, and we want to notify users when a new blog post is published.

Step 1: Set Up Event Bus

Choose a message broker to act as your event bus. For this example, we'll use RabbitMQ.

Install RabbitMQ:

# On macOS with Homebrew
brew install rabbitmq

For other operating systems, the instructions can be found on RabbitMQ Installation Guide.

Start RabbitMQ:


Step 2: Add RabbitMQ Gem to Rails Project

Add the bunny gem to your Rails project's Gemfile and run bundle install:

# Gemfile
gem 'bunny'

Step 3: Create Event Class

Create an event class representing the "New Blog Post" event:

# app/events/new_blog_post_event.rb
class NewBlogPostEvent
  attr_reader :blog_post

  def initialize(blog_post)
    @blog_post = blog_post

Step 4: Create Event Producer

Create an event producer that publishes the "New Blog Post" event to RabbitMQ:

# app/services/blog_post_service.rb
class BlogPostService
  def publish_new_blog_post_event(blog_post)
    event =
    publish_event('new_blog_post', event)


  def publish_event(event_type, event)
    connection =

    channel = connection.create_channel
    exchange = channel.fanout(event_type)


Step 5: Trigger Event on Blog Post Creation

Modify your BlogPost model to trigger the "New Blog Post" event when a new post is created:

# app/models/blog_post.rb
class BlogPost < ApplicationRecord
  after_create :publish_new_blog_post_event


  def publish_new_blog_post_event

Step 6: Create Event Consumer

Create an event consumer that subscribes to the "New Blog Post" event and performs some action (e.g., sending notifications to users):

# app/consumers/new_blog_post_consumer.rb
class NewBlogPostConsumer
  def initialize
    connection =

    channel = connection.create_channel
    exchange = channel.fanout('new_blog_post')
    queue = channel.queue('', exclusive: true)


    @consumer =, queue)

  def start
    @consumer.on_delivery do |delivery_info, _, payload|



  def handle_event(payload)
    event_data = JSON.parse(payload)
    blog_post = event_data['blog_post']

    # Perform actions based on the event data (e.g., send notifications)
    puts "New Blog Post Published: #{blog_post['title']}"

Step 7: Start Event Consumer

Start the event consumer to listen for and handle "New Blog Post" events:

# Run this in a separate terminal window
consumer =

Now, when you create a new blog post, the event producer will publish the "New Blog Post" event, and the event consumer will handle the event by printing a message (in this case, you can extend it to perform more meaningful actions like sending notifications).

This is a simplified example, and in a real-world scenario, you should handle error scenarios, use background jobs for better performance, and consider security aspects. Additionally, you can explore using more advanced tools like the karafka gem for building event-driven applications in Rails.

Implementation considerations

Fault Tolerance

There are architectural choices that you can make that will improve your implementation fault tolerance; for example, host the Bunny workers (Event consumers) and the RabbitMQ server (Event bus) in different physical servers so that if one of the servers gets unresponsive or gets downtime, the other can still work correctly (Isolation), the same can be applied to your application web server (if it has any) and database.

Monitoring every part of the event-driven architecture it’s essential for several reasons:

  • Check that events are being generated and are being processed
  • Check if the processing rate is enough to handle the event creation rate.
  • Detect any error that affects a part of the system. This is crucial because if one component of the EDA stops working, it can affect the workflow.

Events processing

  • It’s important to know that the event producer and the event consumer do not need to be written in the same programming language. For instance, the producer can be a Rails project, like the blog_post_service.rb we created, and the consumer can be a Python file/worker. They only need to be able to communicate with the event queue.

  • RabbitMQ and other similar tools provide many configuration options that can be used to customize the implementation as needed. One option to consider is that there can be many queues, and each can have a different priority, so we can choose what events the consumers will prioritize. Other options that can be tweaked are the name of the default queue, the size of the queue, if events that fail to be processed are going to be sent to the “retry queue” and how many retries are going to be performed after deleting the event or sending it to a “garbage queue”, etc.


Event-driven architecture has many relevant use cases; for that reason, we encourage you to understand how it works and learn to implement it with the tools that better fit your needs.
This architecture offers many configuration options, its performance can be optimized, and it scales really well. Still, it’s important to remember that all parts of the system need to be monitored constantly to ensure proper event generation and processing.

Many times, this architecture is implemented to collect data from many different sources; in those cases, the system implementation is but only the first step of a larger workflow, which probably involves using the collected data to generate relevant metrics, KPIs, business intelligence, or as a source for other kinds of data analysis.

Additional Resources

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