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Ember With GraphQL

Published Jun 14, 2020Last updated Dec 10, 2020

Most Ember developers are familiar with Ember Data and JSON:API, which means that GraphQL and Apollo are not nearly as wide spread in the Ember community. This past year I had the chance to work on an app with GraphQL and Apollo in an Ember app, and I wanted to share some of the things I learned.

By the way I'll be posting from the perspective of working with GraphQL on the client mainly, and using ember-apollo-client.

What It Looks Like

You can use Apollo by importing .graphql file with a mutation or a query, which gets used via the queryManager.

import Component from '@glimmer/component';
import { task } from 'ember-concurrency-decorators';
import { queryManager } from 'ember-apollo-client';
import updateProfile from './-update-profile.graphql';

export default class PublishProfileComponent extends Component {
  @queryManager apollo;

  publish = function*() {
    let slug = this.args.profile.slug;

    yield this.apollo.mutate({
      mutation: updateProfile,
      variables: {
        input: {
          publishedAt: new Date()
    }, 'updateProfile');

What I Missed Most

First of all, I miss having a model class for each entity as I'd have with Ember Data before hand. This becomes obvious once you have a single entity type that you use all over your app, and in my case this was the repeated use of {{this.user.firstName}} {{this.user.lastName}} instead of {{}}. This is not as fun to work with, and you end up repeating yourself many times for a value that should be derived.

Fortunately there is a solution of sorts; it's called client resolvers. I didn't end up using them, since I learned about them a bit late, but they go something like this:

export default class OverriddenApolloService extends ApolloService {
  clientOptions() {
    return {
      resolvers: {
        User: {
          name: (parent, args, obj) => {
            return parent.firstName + ' ' + parent.lastName;

And can be queried using the @client directive.

query CurrentUser {
  user {
    name @client

This is probably sufficient for most of what I miss, but if you need more, like actions based on entities, you could define a custom class with @tracked properties and @action methods to handle that scenario. I think this could be done automatically using a map of types to classes and a custom Apollo Link "middleware".

One minor thing I miss is being able to query without much ceremony. Since there are no models, you don't have await, instead you need to import a mutation, and pass the update RPC style. Which could be solved by having a model with common tasks on it, but that is more boilerplate on top of course. Also in the example in the "What It Looks Like" section, you could have saveProfile, publishProfile, etc. there are no conventions/enforcement on how you should structure your mutations and queries. I miss the conventions of JSON:API.

On another note, it's hard to piece together the correct documentation, because Apollo is mainly documented with a focus on React. But there is enough content to be useful. 🤷‍♂️

What Was Gained

The RPC nature of GraphQL gives you the power to create any kind of query or mutation, which is much harder with Ember Data. In the past I've used ember-data-model-fragments and ember-api-actions addons to get the nesting and arbitrary endpoints. Since relationships are defined so easily, it also lowers the cognitive overhead necessary when requesting new data in you app. Plus you get the added benefit of defining less requests throughout, which is some what of a mental shift, because normally you don't group all the data into one request for a single "page".

With the nature of GraphQL having a schema, it also allows you to have a sort of typed contract between your frontend and backend. This also comes into play when writing acceptance tests without a backend. We did this by using Mirage, and writing some glue code to sync the schema to the defined test resolvers (the things that return the data or perform a mutation). If we use a query/mutation in our tests, but haven't defined a corresponding test resolver, we get a failing test.

While this post is about the client experience, I have to mention the ability to stitch multiple sources into one schema, which prevents having to liter your code with fetch request for every third-party service. We still have a handful of those, but the one that support graphql are in our schema under a namespace. This keeps how you query for data more consistent, especially with services like onegraph.

I also liked how pagination works with Apollo, and I'll give an example because it would have been useful for me when I attempted to implement it.

import Component from '@glimmer/component';
import { tracked } from '@glimmer/tracking';
import { queryManager, getObservable } from 'ember-apollo-client';
import { task } from 'ember-concurrency-decorators';
import query from './-jobs.graphql';

export default class JobsComponent extends Component {
  @queryManager apollo;

  @tracked page;

  constructor() {

  loadJobs = function*() {
    let result = yield this.apollo.watchQuery(
        variables: {
          role: this.role
    ); = result.pageInfo;
    this.observable = getObservable(result);
    return result;

  loadMoreJobs = function*(cursor) {
    yield this.observable.fetchMore({
      variables: {
        role: this.role,
      updateQuery: (prev, { fetchMoreResult }) => {
        if (!fetchMoreResult) return prev;
        let combined = Object.assign({}, prev, {
          prismicAllJobs: {
            edges: [
        }); = fetchMoreResult['prismicAllJobs'].pageInfo;

        return combined;

This uses the idea of a watched query, i.e. apollo.watchQuery, from which you can get an observable. This observable can be used to call a fetchMore and pass new variables to the same query you did the first time. I found this easy to understand, and while every query will have its own variables/conventions, this format works for any scenario. We used this format for cursor based pagination as well as offset based.

Before Getting Started

Try to avoid writing an abstraction over Apollo, at least until you have a good grasp of it and have used it for multiple scenarios. In the Ember community we generally like to write abstractions earlier than most communities.

Remember that Apollo uses the id as a cache key, and you will be alright, so generally you want to return the id and the fields that you changed when running mutations.

SSR mode is not something you want to enable, because it works differently in FastBoot and will cause caching issues. Without enabling that setting ssrMode, Apollo should still work well in FastBoot.

And last of all, have fun, and experiment!

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