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Install Styled-components in create-react-app

Published Feb 03, 2020
Install Styled-components in create-react-app

Automatic critical CSS:
styled-components keeps track of which components are rendered on a page and injects their styles and nothing else, fully automatically. Combined with code splitting, this means your users load the least amount of code necessary.
No class name bugs:
styled-components generates unique class names for your styles. You never have to worry about duplication, overlap or misspellings.
Easier deletion of CSS:
it can be hard to know whether a class name is used somewhere in your codebase. styled-components makes it obvious, as every bit of styling is tied to a specific component. If the component is unused (which tooling can detect) and gets deleted, all its styles get deleted with it.
Simple dynamic styling:
adapting the styling of a component based on its props or a global theme is simple and intuitive without having to manually manage dozens of classes.
Painless maintenance:
you never have to hunt across different files to find the styling affecting your component, so maintenance is a piece of cake no matter how big your codebase is.
Automatic vendor prefixing:
write your CSS to the current standard and let styled-components handle the rest.
You get all of these benefits while still writing the CSS you know and love, just bound to individual components.


Installing styled-components only takes a single command and you're ready to roll:

npm install --save styled-components

Example to Styled-components in create-react-app

import React from 'react'
import styled from 'styled-components'

const StyledCounter = styled.div`
  /* ... */
const Paragraph = styled.p`
  /* ... */
const Button = styled.button`
  /* ... */

export default class Counter extends React.Component {
  state = { count: 0 }

  increment = () => this.setState({ count: this.state.count + 1 })
  decrement = () => this.setState({ count: this.state.count - 1 })

  render() {
    return (
        <Button onClick={this.increment}>+</Button>
        <Button onClick={this.decrement}>-</Button>
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