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The amazing Vue cli GUI

Published Jul 10, 2018Last updated Jan 06, 2019
The amazing Vue cli GUI

With the new Vue GUI you can create and manage your local VueJS applications. All you need to get started is to have the latest vue cli installed.

Let's quickly go through how to install that šŸ˜‡

  • First, ensure you have NodeJS installed
  • in your terminal install vue cli by running
npm install -g @vue/cli
# OR
yarn global add @vue/cli
  • To launch Vue GUI in your browser all you need to do is run
vue ui

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Vue GUI should open in your browser in no time
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From the GUI opened in your browser, usually http://localhost:8000, you can create and manage Vue projects. Let's create a VueJS project and manage it right within our browser.

Click on create, then select where you'll like to put your app on your local machine (laptop or desktop). Then click "create a new project here"

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that should take you here

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Fill it according to your preference, then click "next".

In the preset screen, you can save configuration or create a new one. Let's create a new one by selecting "manual"

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In the next screen, select features base on your preference

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In the configuration screen, choose what suits your needs and project requirement

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Click create project and give this new preset a name, you could also clik "continue without saving"

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this particular screen might take a while to load
Screen Shot 2018-07-09 at 7.27.10 AM.png

To have a peep into what's happening behind the hood, check the terminal/cmd where you initially ran the vue ui command
Screen Shot 2018-07-09 at 7.27.58 AM.png

While the project is being set-up for you, grab a cup of coffee and have some sips.

And now our project is ready šŸš€

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Advantages and use cases

You can:

  • manage your local vue projects
  • configure your VueJS application without messing up the config files
  • Install plugins e.g vuetify
  • Customize cli, eslint (code linting), PWA (progressive web app) configurations, e.t.c
  • Manage (run, pause and stop) tasks graphically seeing every necessary e.g serving your VueJS app.

I found this tool awesome and friendly for newbies that are just trying out vue for the first time to build their apps and even experts who want to ease their workflow will find it useful.

I love Vue GUI, I bet you'll feel the same way when you check it out.

Peace from Abdulsamii. All the way from Nigeria, I ā¤ļø you all!
Happy hacking!!! šŸ’ŖšŸš€

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