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An Extensive List Of Streamlabs Chatbot Commands

Published Jul 02, 2020
An Extensive List Of Streamlabs Chatbot Commands

As the name suggests, Streamlabs Chatbot is a robust open-source platform equipped with numerous features to build self-hosted Chatbots for today’s streamers to whom catering an amusing experience to the end-users or audience has become an obligatory deal.

Streamlabs Chatbot is developed to enable streamers to enhance the users’ experience with rich imbibed functionality. This sound Chatbot development solution was founded and developed by ‘Ankhheart’ initially for Twitch streamers and now it’s officially available to integrate with YouTube, FaceBook, and Mixer.

All you need to simply log in to any of the above streaming platforms. It automatically optimizes all of your personalized settings to go live. This streaming tool is gaining popularity because of its rollicking experience. Using this amazing tool requires no initiation charges, but, when you go with a prime plan, you will be charged in a monthly cycle.

To kick-off using this tool, a huge amount of learning resources are on tap, but through this documentation, we will make things simple to get started and carry out to its maximum potential. To begin so, and to execute such commands, you may require a multitude of external APIs as it may not work out to execute these commands merely with the bot.

So, here is a quick guide to begin with!
Initial Commands,

Below are the most commonly used commands that are being used by other streamers in their channels.


This command is used to retrieve and display the information related to the stream comprising game title, uptime, current status, and the current number of current viewers.

Command: !stats

Response: Game: $mygame | Title: $mystatus | Uptime: $uptime | Viewers: readapi(


This command will return the time-duration of the stream and will return offline if the stream is not live.

Command: !uptime

Response: $mychannel has been live for $uptime.


Using this command will return the local time of the streamer.

Command: !time

Response: The time is currently $time for $mychannel.


To return the date of the streamer.

Command: !date

Response: The date is currently $date for $mychannel.

Top 5 Points

To list the top 5 users having most points or currency.

Command: !top5points

Response: The top 5 users based on points: $toppoints(5)

Top 5 Hours

This command will help to list the top 5 users who spent the maximum hours in the stream.

Command: !top5time

Response: The top 5 users based on hours: $tophours(5)

Follower Count

This will return the number of followers you have currently.

Command: !followers

Response: $mychannel currently has readapi( followers.

Follow Date

To return the date and time when your users followed your channel.

Command: !followed

Response: $tousername, you followed $mychannel on readapi($touserid).

Follow Length

This will return how much time ago users followed your channel.

Command: !following

Response: $tousername, you have been following $mychannel for readapi($touserid?precision=3).

Account Creation

This will return the date and time for every particular Twitch account created.

Command: !created

Response: The account for $tousername was created on readapi(

Example: !created crunchprank

Recent 3 Followers

This will display the last three users that followed your channel.

Command: !recentfollowers

Response: Welcome to our 3 most recent followers: readapi(!


This will return the latest tweet in your chat as well as request your users to retweet the same. Make sure your Twitch name and twitter name should be the same to perform so.

Command: !retweet

Response: Please retweet my recent tweet! readapi(


This will give an easy way to shoutout to a specific target by providing a link to their channel.

Command: !shoutout

Response: Please go check out $targetname at $url – I love them and you should too!

Example: !shoutout crunchprank


This will display all the channels that are currently hosting your channel. Be careful if you are a large streamer.

Command: !hosting

Response: Thanks to all the users currently hosting: readapi(

Current And Next Song With Details

This will display the song information, direct link, and the requester names for both the current as well as a queued song on YouTube.

Command: !song

Response: Current song: currentsong –$currentsong) Requested by: $requestedby

Example: !nextsong

Response: Next song: nextsong –$nextsong) Requested by: $nextrequestedby

BTTV Emotes

This command will demonstrate all BTTV emotes for your channel.

Command: !bttv

Response: Check out all the BTTV emotes for $mychannel! readapi(

Give Points

This enables one user to give a specified currency amount to another user.

Command: !give

Response: givepoints(“userid”,”targetid”,”num2″,”$username gave $value $currencyname to $targetname”,”fail”,”false”)

Example: !give woahh_jess 5

Explanation: 5 points are removed from the user of the command and given to woahh_jess

Give Points To Everyone

This command runs to give a specific amount of points to all the users belonging to a current chat.

!points add +viewers <amount>

Twitch API Commands

Demonstrated commands take recourse of $readapi function. Some of its commands come with the customized settings that enable you to personalize the result of your query you execute and all those commands are mentioned in our document.

Follow Age

Description: Gets the time difference which is also known as the “follow age” or “time ago” between when a user starts following the channel.

Response: $readapi(

Follow Time

Description: Retrieves the date and time of when the user followed the channel.

Response: $readapi(


Description: Retrieves all the followers of a specified channel by making use of a variety of optional parameters for customization.

Response: $readapi(

Account Creation

Description: This command is used to retrieve the creation date and time of a user.

Response: $readapi(

Account Age

Description: To retrieve the age of a user account.

Response: $readapi(

Latest Highlights

Description: To retrieve the latest highlights of the specified channel.

Response: $readapi(

Latest Upload

Description: Displays the latest uploaded video for your specified channel.

Response: $readapi(

Host List

Description: Displays all the channel names hosting the specified channel.

Response: $readapi(

Subscriber Emotes

Description: Returns the subscriber emotes for the specified channels as well as lists them.

Response: $readapi(

Team Member List

Description: Returns the members of a specified team.

Response: $readapi(

Miscellaneous Command

Multi-Stream Command

Description: This command is used to generate a multi-stream link.


Other Service API Commands

Similar to the above one, these commands also make use of Ankhbot’s $readapi function, however, these commands are exhibited for other services, not for Twitch.

Twitter- Latest Tweet

Description: This command helps to return the latest tweet ensured by the specified user.

Response: $readapi(

YouTube Video ID

Description: This command helps to search the YouTube API with the specified string and displays the very first result it finds.

Response: $readapi(

YouTube Latest Videos

Description: This command is used to retrieve the latest video uploaded to the specified channel as well as returns the title and URL for it.

Response: $readapi( or $readapi(

Urban Dictionary

Description: This command is used to find the first returned definition for a specific word from Urban Dictionary.

Response: $msg: readapi(

Game-Specific Commands

Description: This command is considered to be a game-specific command used to retrieve the information, for instance, players’ stats.

Response: readapi(

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Evie Ubau
a year ago

Cool I get scam in Roblox I need HELP

Alexis Michalon
3 years ago

How can I allow my viewers to see how much time they watched my stream

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