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Angularjs Vs ReactJS From A Developer’s Perspective

Published Jan 26, 2019
Angularjs Vs ReactJS  From A Developer’s Perspective

Advantages of angularjs
Global community support is one of the factors, that can easily make Angular the best javascript framework. Developers and designers constantly collaborate and contribute to the community, increasing credibility and reliability of the framework.
It is a full-fledged framework that can run in any browser or platform. Moreover, it is consistent, overwhelmed with ready-made tools, ng components are robust and quite mature, as contrasted with React.
Two-way data bind is probably the top feature, as it diffuses the impact after every minor data change and does way with the need for further effort with data sync in view and model.
Given the fact that our company makes active use of ng2, it is essential to include react vs angular 2 comparison as well.

TypeScript is an enhanced JS super-set that supplies optional static type checking, object-based programming patterns, and high-performance typing features.
Owing to component-based architecture components have deep binding and each of them comprises elements with only relevant functionality. What is more, they are loosely coupled and properly encapsulated. Such approach makes components easily reusable, enhance their testability and further maintainability.

Advantages of reactjs
JSX is a JS syntax that enables HTML quotes and usage of HTML tag syntax for subcomponents rendering. It promotes building of machine-readable code and provides ability to compound components in one compile-time verified file.
Prompt rendering is among the best features of React that gives a significant edge over Angular. The technology comprises smart methods to mitigate the amount of DOM operations, optimize and accelerate the updates process. Virtual DOM (Document Object Model) is of great use while handling vast databases.
The core difference between reactjs and angularjs is that React is JS-centric, while ng2 remains HTML-centric. JavaScript is far more robust, than HTML, that makes React far more simple, focused and consistent.

Angular is easy to scale thanks to its design as well as a powerful CLI. React is testable and therefore scalable compared to other frameworks like Vue.

Computed Properties
As far as performance is concerned, plain getters in Angular are out of the scenario because they get called on each render. It is however possible to use BehaviorSubject from RsJS, as it serves the purpose.
React allows the use of @computed from MobX – achieving the same objective but with a nicer API. Dependency Injection.

Dependency Injection
Dependency injection is a bone of contention as it is contrary to the prevalent React paradigm of functional programming and immutability. But some sort of dependency injection is almost unavoidable in data-binding environments, because it aids in decoupling (and thereby mocking and testing) where there is no separate data-layer architecture. Angular supports DI and one great advantage is the ability to have different lifecycles for different stores.
Some of the common React paradigms deploy some kind of global app state that maps to disparate components, however it is conducive to the introduction of bugs when cleaning the global state on component unmount. On the other hand, a store that is created on component mount and is seamlessly available to the component’s children –is a more useful and often neglected concept. This is out of the box in Angular, but quite easily replicated with MobX as well.

Simplicity + Code length
React is quite easy and simple to understand but it takes quite some time to set up a project in React.

Angular on the other hand, is not simple by any means. Its inherent complexity sometimes causes confusion and Angular specific 3rd party libraries and syntax.

Model Complexity
Angular’s performance is sensitive in terms of scope because of copy-n-compare. You cannot use large models. However, this has benefits and disadvantages. The Pros are that it makes the code simpler and more testable but the cons are that you need to break down stuff that you normally use and rebuild it again (for example – for server requests). React however gives you the power of choice without the performance penalty. The outcome really depends on whether you’re a good coder or a bad coder

Conclusion: Which Is Better React or Angular?
Both React and Angular work on completely diverse approaches to front-end application development for startup, small and medium enterprises. The technologies are both powerful and flexible and while neither is better or worse, it depends on your business application goals and system constraints that make the final choice.

Overall, both frameworks provide a robust set of tools for quality, scalable, reactive web-based applications. For those who prefer to code in classic JS, React may find more favors, but for those looking at a more mature and sophisticated solution, AngularJS might be your best bet.

Farooq Ahmed Rahu
Sr.Software Engineer

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