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Chernoff faces for crypto-graphic charts

Published May 24, 2020
Chernoff faces for crypto-graphic charts

Hi all,

I brought you crypto-graphic charts, not simple ones, but using Chernoff's faces.

This is a way to display multivariate data in the shape of a human face. The individual parts, such as eyes, ears, mouth and nose represent values of the variables by their shape, size, placement and orientation. The idea behind using faces is that humans easily recognize faces and notice small changes without difficulty.

Here is the faces, BTW they all are sad today:


And now the explanation what is what.

The face oval is an ellipse function \frac{x^2}{a}+\frac{y^2}{b}=r, where r - market cap, a - Volume(24H), b - price

The nose is determined by the part of the elliptical curve x^2=y^3-c\cdot y+d, where c is the number of the main exchanges - the exchanges through which the main number of coins are traded, d - the number of the market of significant exchanges - these are exchanges that trade volumes significant for the market

For example, according to coinmarketcap, for Bitcoin, the share in Volume (24H) for two exchanges (BitForex, BitMEX) is about 28% and 16%, for other exchanges, the share in Volume (24H) does not exceed 3%. At the same time, there are about 12 exchanges with a share in Volume (24H) of at least 1%. Define c = 2, d = 12. For other currencies, you can use other indicators to determine the main and significant exchanges.

Eyes is a function of the circle x^2+y^2=R, where R is the attention index to the currency. Now I just use the values from google trends

And, finally, the mouth is a parabola y=zx^2, where z is the exchange rate changes

Including additional coefficients into the equations we can scale and centered the elements, without changing the proportions. Now we have remarkable Chernoff faces.

Here is the link, if you want to use them:

Maybe I'll make an online tool for creating Chernoff's crypto currency faces. Please drop me a word if you are interesting in.

Written on September 27, 2018

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