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Ultimate CheatCode to Landing your first Software Engineering Job - Part I.

Published Jul 20, 2023Last updated Jul 21, 2023
Ultimate CheatCode to Landing your first Software Engineering Job - Part I.

I have been getting a lot of messages lately on how to break into software engineering. I know some of us made this hard, yet rewarding decision, years ago. Coming from a medical biochemistry background back in 2010, it seemed really challenging at the time. I had some amazing software engineering friends but the path was like a company's trade secret. You would hear things like "I will send you some materials to read up on" or "Don't worry. Just call me in the weekends and I would explain all about it". I was left with no choice, go hard or go home.

I will be doing a series on this topic and sharing with you my journey from a biochemist to a senior software engineer.

Many of us have dreamt of it - scoring that coveted spot as a software engineer at a top tech company. The glittering campuses, the innovative work environments, the thrilling problem-solving missions – it's an adventure unlike any other. But landing that first job in software engineering can seem as complex as untangling a spaghetti code. So how do you level up from being a novice coder to landing that first job? Let's break it down into a few 'CheatCodes'.

CheatCode 1: Master Your Fundamentals

Before you attempt to fight the final boss, you need to arm yourself with the right tools. And in the realm of software engineering, those tools are the basics of programming languages and computer science concepts. Whether you're a self-taught programmer or a Computer Science graduate, ensure you have a solid foundation in languages like Java, Python, C++, Ruby, Javascript and a robust understanding of data structures, algorithms, and system design. But in all this, don't forget to pick your weapon of choice in the journey. Software engineering is broad.

CheatCode 2: Hands-On Experience is Key

Employers often value practical experience above all else. Start gaining this early on by working on projects that you're passionate about. Contribute to open source projects.
What are open source projects? They are project that are made an individual or a group of individuals to foster team work, collaboration and growth in a specific solution.
Most importantly, don't forget to build your own apps and if you have some time, engage in hackathons. Showcasing your ability to apply your skills in a real-world scenario can make your resume stand out.

CheatCode 3: The GitHub Portfolio

Your GitHub profile is your resume's best friend. Now read carefully:

You don't have to be a seasoned software engineer to have a Github profile.

Github has become the weapon of choice to showcase your craft as a software engineer. Keep it active and updated with your latest projects. This gives potential employers a glimpse of your working style, your ability to collaborate, and your coding proficiency. Remember, your GitHub is your coding story - let it reflect your progress, creativity, and dedication.

CheatCode 4: Leverage Your Network
This is as important as any of the other CheatCodes. The worst engineers are those that cannot connect or leverage their network.

See the tech space as a bee hive and you are the newest member.Everyone is connected. Harness this to grow quickly.

Expand your horizons by connecting with people in the industry. Attend tech meetups, join online communities, or participate in coding bootcamps. Networking doesn't just help you land a job, but also provides insights about industry trends and the experiences of professionals in your desired role.

CheatCode 5: Practice Makes Perfect
Platforms like LeetCode, HackerRank, or Codewars are your proving grounds. For the newbies, you might be wondering what are all these platforms? They are web apps that you can sign up to start developing your problem solving skills but most especially, familiarize you with the types of problems you might encounter in technical interviews. Dedicate regular time to these platforms and watch your coding prowess grow.

CheatCode 6: Ace That Interview
A job interview isn't just about showcasing your technical skills. It's also an opportunity to demonstrate your problem-solving capabilities, communication skills, and cultural fit. Research common interview questions, practice your coding exercises, but also work on presenting your thoughts clearly and confidently. Remember to share your journey, not just your accomplishments.

CheatCode 7: Learn to Learn
Software engineering is a field that’s always evolving. Being able to quickly learn and adapt to new technologies is a coveted skill in this industry. Demonstrate your ability to learn independently by picking up new programming languages, exploring emerging technologies, or tackling new project challenges.

Cracking the code to your first job as a software engineer can seem daunting, but remember – even the most complex games have their cheat codes.

Master your fundamentals, gain hands-on experience, build a strong portfolio, expand your network, practice your coding, ace your interview, and keep learning. Your first software engineering job is not just a destination, but a journey of growth and discovery. So, get set, level up, and conquer this quest!

I would be doing a deep dive into this cheatcodes with each code being a separate topic. I will be doing my best to let you into my world and my approach to software engineering. Cheers!

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