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Building a Real-time Chat App with Angular 2 and deepstream

Published Feb 22, 2017Last updated Mar 06, 2017
Building a Real-time Chat App with Angular 2 and deepstream

The "new Angular," popularly known as "Angular 2", though a bad name, is component architected. It follows the W3C component standards, thereby forcing us (for a good reason) to build apps as re-usable UI components/widgets. This means that you can't continue to build apps the same way you did when you used version 1.x. You can get started by using this Quickstart guide. is a free real-time open source server that is fast, scalable, and easy to work with. Deepstream is a good choice because it gives you the freedom to install a server either on your machine or on a hosted server.

This article will walk you through how to build a chat application using the most popular front-end framework — Angular — and to take care of the chat's real-time feature.

1. Setup Angular

Angular provides a CLI tool, which takes the pain of booting and scaffolding a project by reducing the process to just one command. The CLI can be installed via npm:

# Installs the Angular CLI tool
npm install -g angular-cli

The global installation adds the tool to your PATH so you can run it anywhere:

# Creates a new Angular project
ng new deepchat

The new command scaffolds a new project. Once that is done, you can launch the new project, using:

# first, move a step into
# the project directory
# if you are not there yet
cd deepchat
# Launch app
ng serve

2. Install deepstream

To install the deepstream server:

  1. Download deepstream from the deepstream install page for your OS.
  2. Unzip the downloaded content to your working directory or project folder
  3. Start the server by opening a command window in the unzipped folder and running the following command:

Installing deepstream in Angular projects is quite simple. The framework bundles up scripts using Webpack, and splits these bundles in a manner that makes it easier for browsers to load them faster. To help with this process, rather than installing the scripts somewhere random, we will install it with npm and load the script as a vendor file.

First, install via npm:

npm install --save

Specify that the installed dependency is a vendor file, and should be loaded accordingly, by adding deepstream script to the scripts array in ./angular-cli.json:

. . .
"scripts": [
. . .

You can see whether the installation was successful by logging deepstream in your AppComponent's constructor and inspecting the output in the browser:

export class AppComponent {
    constructor() {
        // Logs the deepstream function

Depending on your Typescript configuration, calling deepstream from nowhere might throw an error. You can shut Typescript up by creating a type for deepstream, just after the imports:

import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
// Type deepstream with any
declare var deepstream: any;

3. Create deepstream Service (DsService)

Deepstream works fine when you're using it directly in the component. However, as your project grows, you might find yourself in the deep mess of violating DRY. A familiar pattern in Angular (both 1.x and the newer versions), is to create a service that abstracts a group of tasks so this service can be used by multiple components when needed.

In our case, we need a service to group our entire deepstream tasks, and expose methods to our components to interact with:

// ./src/app/services/ds.service.ts
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
declare var deepstream:any;

export class DsService {

    private ds;
    public dsInstance;

    constructor() {
       this.ds = this.dsInstance = deepstream('localhost:6020');

The dsInstance is public (though we know the deal with privacy in JavaScript), so you can access all deepstream's method from it. If you think this is all you need from such service, that's fine! However, you can also wrap the standard methods by creating more members of the service:

// ./src/app/services/ds.service.ts
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
declare var deepstream: any;

export class DsService {

    private ds;
    public dsInstance;

    constructor() {
      this.ds = this.dsInstance = deepstream('localhost:6020');

    login (credentials?, loginHandler?) {
      // {username: 'chris', password:'password'}
      this.ds.login(credentials, loginHandler);

    getRecord(name) {
      return this.ds.record.getRecord(name);

      return this.ds.record.getList(name);

What we mentioned above are the three methods we need to log in, create or get a record, and create or get a list.

4. Login to deepstream

Authenticating to deepstream server does not require credentials. For simple stuffs — like a demo — you can go ahead and perform an anonymous authentication:

// ./src/app/app.component.ts
import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { DsService } from './services/ds.service';

  selector: 'app-root',
  templateUrl: './app.component.html',
  // ...
export class AppComponent implements OnInit{
  title = 'deepChat';

    private ds: DsService
  ) {}

  ngOnInit() {
    // Get username from
    // window prompt and use 'anonymous' for
    // null or invalid response
    const defaultUsername = 'anonymous';
    const username = window.prompt('Please enter your username', defaultUsername);
    this.username = username || defaultUsername
    // Login without credentials
    this.ds.login(null, this.loginHandler);
  loginHandler(success, data) {
    console.log('logged in', success, data);


The ngOnInit method is a lifecycle method that is called on when the component is initialized. This means that when the component is ready, we can try to authenticate deepstream with no credentials. The username, as gotten from prompt, is just used to identify who is who.

A Note on deepstream Records and Lists

Records are deepstream's building blocks and are responsible for data syncing. This means that a record can be created and watched for data changes — when there are changes, a record will notify all connected clients. Records can be likened to a record in databases because they store JSON entities.


The above snippet creates a record named recordname when the record name does not exist. It also returns the record if the record name exists. The set method is used to pass in a payload for the record to store.

Lists, on the other hand, are used to treat a group of records like collections. When such is the case, the records can be easily sorted, paged, etc. Lists can be created with the getList method and updated with addEntry:


5. Chat Messaging

Let's create another method that will be called when the user creates a chat message:

// ./src/app/app.component.ts
import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { DsService } from './services/ds.service';

  selector: 'app-root',
  templateUrl: './app.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./app.component.css']
export class AppComponent implements OnInit{
  title = 'deepChat';

    private ds: DsService
  ) {}

  // . . .

  addChat() {

    const recordName = 'chat/' + this.ds.dsInstance.getUid();

    const chatRecord = this.ds.getRecord(recordName);
    chatRecord.set({username: this.username, text: this.text});
    this.text = '';
    // Update the chats list

The addChat method creates a record, sets a value to the record, clears the text property, and updates the deepstream chat list with the record name. this.chats holds the chat list, which will be initialized in ngOnInit in the next section.

The markup for creating messages is simple:

// ./src/app/app.component.html
<div class="compose">
  <input type="text" [(ngModel)]="text">
  <button (click)="addChat()">Send</button>

We perform a two-way binding to the input with the text property, as well as add a click event listener to the send button which calls addChat method.

6. Chat Listing

The chats property, for now, is undefined and is supposed to be a deepstream list, which holds the collection of deepstream records.

We can create this list when the component is ready, and subscribe to it as well, so as to print the chats as they come in:

// ./src/app/app.component.ts
// ...

export class AppComponent implements OnInit{
  title = 'deepChat';
  chatArray = [];

    private ds: DsService
  ) {}

  ngOnInit() {
    // . . . 

    this.chats = this.ds.getList('chats');

    this.chats.on('entry-added', recordName => {
      this.ds.getRecord( recordName ).whenReady( record => {

        record.subscribe( (data) => {
          if(data.username && data.text) {
            // Update bindable property  
        }, true );


  // . . .

What's going on here is that we've created a list that records can be added to, as seen in the addChat method and then listened to this list for data entry. Once the list is updated, we update the chatArray, which is the property that we need to iterate on the UI, to display the chats as shown below:

<!-- ./src/app/app.component.html -->
<div class="chats">
      <p *ngFor="let chat of chatArray"><strong>{{chat.username}}: </strong> {{chat.text}}</p>

I hope this tutorial was helpful to you! There are many ways you can go about building a real-time chat. Check out Get Started with Meteor by Building a Chat App for a different way to build your own chat app!

Discover and read more posts from Christian Nwamba
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saurabh phalke
6 years ago

Hey, @Christian,

Can you help me for create a chat room using deep-stream.
and also how can i do chat with one to one and one to many.
can you please help me for that.


Sasi Gowd
7 years ago

Hey, @Christian,

Can you post a link to the GitHub for full source code?

Kevin _W
7 years ago

Great, easy to follow tutorial - just what I was looking for.
Just one note: on windows, to start deepstream, type “deepstream start”
Thanks again!

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