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React JS and a Browserify Workflow (Part 1)

Published Jan 29, 2015Last updated Aug 10, 2017

This article will provide you a detailed workflow for creating a production-ready ReactJS application. It was originally posted on Codementor Christian Alfoni’s blog.

I have been working with React JS for a few days and I must say I am impressed. You can not really compare it to complete frameworks like Angular JS or Ember JS , but at the same time it is worth mentioning in the same context. A full framework increases your development speed and is a dream when it comes to prototyping, but building a high performance web application is easier when you control each part. More on that in a later post, lets dive into how I found an ideal way to work with React JS.

Update: I updated the boilerplate with better testing and better handling of dependencies. Wrote about it here, React JS and a browserify workflow, PART 2.

The problem

I really do not appreciate the simplicity of examples shown on probably all library/framework sites. Nobody builds an application in the global scope, nobody builds an application in a single file and everybody wants to make their code production ready. The React JS site is no different and it took me quite some time creating a good workflow. This is what I needed:

  • Write JSX (The React JS javascript format) and transform it to regular javascript on the fly
  • Write my code in a module pattern
  • Use the React JS chrome dev tool
  • Bundle my javascript and use source maps for debugging
  • Run other tasks on file change, like CSS concat etc.
  • It has to be extremely fast

This post will go through each step I did to find a solution. If you just want the solution, jump ahead to the solution at the bottom.

First try

So my first challenge was to solve the JSX transformation on the fly. Looking at the React JS guide I quickly figured out that the only thing I needed was to include an extra script tag in my HTML. It solves my problem, but it is not what I am looking for. The extra script tag is not something you want to put in production, so I would need to pre-transform my files containing JSX.

Second try

As the React JS guide states, you can install the react-tools globally and use a command line tool to watch files and convert them. It solves my problem, but it transforms each individual file and puts it in a different folder. This will create a messy project structure. I needed to change my strategy! I decided to look at some module tools instead, they would have to support the transformation of JSX anyways.

Third try

Having quite a bit of experience with requirejs I thought that would be a good bet, but it became more complex than I initially thought. A great job has been done on this plugin: jsx-requirejs-plugin, but you get extra dependenices like the “text” plugin for requirejs and you have to use a modified version of the “JSXTransformer”, that does not feel good. There was also an issue with bundling the whole project on each file change, it was too slow.

Fourth try

Personally I have never tried browserify before, but I was running out of options. It turns out that browserify is quite awesome, it makes it possible to write node syntax in your javascript files. The result of this is that you get modules and the possibility to re-use your JSX files in Node. That is a very good thing because React JS allows for server side compiling of HTML and send the string out to the client for further handling by the client side version of the library.

What is also good about browserify is that you have a plugin called watchify that will cache your project and watch it for changes, only doing the necessary re-bundling on updates. It is blazingly fast! Since I am used to Grunt I tried using the grunt-browserify and grunt-watchify tasks. This worked quite well, though I could not get the sourcemapping to work. But an even bigger issue was that I did not only need to watch the javascript files for changes, I also needed to concatinate my css files.

After some research I found a grunt-concurrent task that would allow me to run two parallell watch tasks. This worked, but it was slow. And I still could not get my sourcemapping to work.

Fifth try

So the way I used Grunt was too slow, what about Gulp? Now Gulp is a build tool like Grunt , only it streams the process so that you can manipulate the build process in memory instead of creating temporary files that are picked up by the next step in the build process.

Searching the web for a solution for Gulp I hit this post on stackoverflow. It shows multiple solutions to the same problem and way down I found an example that also handled transforming JSX with reactify , but it had some steps I did not understand. Why all this require stuff? And why require specific react.js file? It feels a bit hacky. It also gave me an error when I ran it in the browser.

This led me to using gulp-browserify which worked beautifully. But what about the watchify part? Searching for gulp-watchify it states: “experimental”. That does not feel right, so how could I get this stuff to work? Searching the web again I found the following statement: “gulp-browserify has been blacklisted”. DOH!, what now?

Sixth try

Sometimes you just have to do it from scratch. Using what I had experienced so far I built my own build process using the browserify , watchify and reactify npm modules. I was glad to see that Gulp also handled watching both my CSS for one task and that watchify task in parallell without any issues.

The solution

So this is how my gulpfile.js file looks like:

var gulp = require('gulp');
var source = require('vinyl-source-stream'); // Used to stream bundle for further handling
var browserify = require('browserify');
var watchify = require('watchify');
var reactify = require('reactify'); 
var concat = require('gulp-concat');
gulp.task('browserify', function() {
    var bundler = browserify({
        entries: ['./app/main.js'], // Only need initial file, browserify finds the deps
        transform: [reactify], // We want to convert JSX to normal javascript
        debug: true, // Gives us sourcemapping
        cache: {}, packageCache: {}, fullPaths: true // Requirement of watchify
    var watcher  = watchify(bundler);

    return watcher
    .on('update', function () { // When any files update
        var updateStart =;
        watcher.bundle() // Create new bundle that uses the cache for high performance
    // This is where you add uglifying etc.
        console.log('Updated!', ( - updateStart) + 'ms');
    .bundle() // Create the initial bundle when starting the task

// I added this so that you see how to run two watch tasks
gulp.task('css', function () {'styles/**/*.css', function () {
        return gulp.src('styles/**/*.css')

// Just running the two tasks
gulp.task('default', ['browserify', 'css']);

So to summarize:

  • Write JSX and transform it to regular javascript on the fly (SOLVED)
  • Write my code in a module pattern (SOLVED)
  • Use the React JS chrome dev tool
  • Bundle my javascript and use source maps for debugging (SOLVED)
  • Run other tasks on file change, like CSS concat etc. (SOLVED)
  • It has to be extremely fast (SOLVED)

What about the REACT DEV-TOOLS?

The React DEV-TOOLS needs an instance of the React JS lib on the global scope to trigger. To fix this you simply have to add it to your main.js file.

/** @jsx React.DOM */

var React = require('react');
// Here we put our React instance to the global scope. Make sure you do not put it 
// into production and make sure that you close and open your console if the 
// DEV-TOOLS does not display
window.React = React; 

var App = require('./App.jsx');
React.renderComponent(<App/>, document.body);

So that was my journey. I truly hope that the people at Facebook will put an example of this on the React JS site. React JS is truly awesome and its very sad if people leave it out because it is such a pain setting up a good workflow. Until then feel free to use an application boilerplate I have set up which also handles testing: react-app-boilerplate.

Thanks for listening to my story and have fun with React JS!

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post comments4Replies
9 years ago

I am still trying to avoid all the fancy node js stuff, my source js file is only 8kb, and Browserify generate a 600kb bundle for me, so i have to remove all the require 3rd parties stuff, and run it directly…

Nicholas Johnson
8 years ago

You don’t have to require third party libraries. If react is already in the global scope, you don’t need to write var React = require(‘react’) for example, you can just use it.

Browserify will happily include whatever you require, no questions asked, so if you don’t want it, don’t require it…

8 years ago

You can also tell browerify to not include specified modules, using external, resp exclude options

9 years ago

Setting window.React to React does not make the react chrome tools work in my case.

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