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Top 5 Tech Resources to Keep Your Technical Skills Sharp

Published Feb 25, 2021
Top 5 Tech Resources to Keep Your Technical Skills Sharp

The technology sector moves fast, and new stuff gets released constantly. Thus, this article presents the top 5 resources you can use to stay up-to-date by reading quality technical content.

These resources are a mix of blogging platforms, newsletters, browser extensions, and so on. Also, the resources cover every tech area, not only specific fields like web development, for example.

Without further ado, let's see the resources!

1. Blogging platforms

I want to recommend blogging platforms rather than individual blogs. Why, though? If I recommend only one blog, I'll limit you to that blog. On the opposite spectrum, when I recommend a blogging platform, I give you the freedom to discover blogs you like.

I recommend three blogging platforms, in particular:

  1. freeCodeCamp
  2. Hashnode
  3. HackerNoon

The reason for choosing these three platforms is because of the high-quality materials from these platforms!


Hashnode is a great blogging platform to read technical content. In addition to freeCodeCamp and Hackernoon, I use Hashnode to get all the information I need.

There are a plethora of authors on Hashnode from all tech fields. Whatever you want to read, the chances are that there is an article about it.

The thing I enjoy the most with Hashnode is that I discover new authors daily. So, what's good about that? New authors mean new perspectives and more information. On Hashnode, you can create a blog and publish articles within minutes. That means you can find lots of authors and technical content.

Also, they have moderators for tags to ensure the quality of the articles is high. Thus, it's a great platform to consume technical content and learn new things!

Note: Before going further, I want to mention that they roll out a feature that allows you to listen to an article. That means you consume it like a podcast and listen to it everywhere. It is a super useful feature and time-saving as well!


One of my favourite blogging platforms is freeCodeCamp because of high-quality articles. The authors on freeCodeCamp are trusty developers because they have to apply to write on the platform. That means they go through an interview-like process.

Additionally, every article goes through the editing team. That means the articles are of high quality. Therefore, freeCodeCamp is a platform you can use with 100% confidence to read technical content.

By the way, if you are interested to see the best blogging platforms for developers in 2021.


HackerNoon is another blogging platform which I use to consume technical content. Similarly to freeCodecamp, they have an editing team which checks each article before it's published.

That means you can be assured the articles are accurate, professional, informative and high-quality. Otherwise, they get rejected by the editing team. Besides that, they have around 12000 developer actively writing and reading stories. That means there is plenty of material to read.

Like the other two platforms, HackerNoon is a great place to use for reading technical content.

Other notable mentions:

  • Dev To
  • Medium
  • Substack

2. News aggregators

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Having a lot of information available is both a blessing and a curse. The benefit is that you always have options to choose from. The curse is that you do not know what to choose. However, it does not have to be like that. There are ways we can curate information and get only the content that interests us.

This is where comes to the rescue. Daily is a Chrome/Firefox extension, which delivers the best programming news for you. What does that mean? It means that you install the extension, and instead of having the blank new tab, you have a screen with tech news from trusted sources.

Daily Platform - B.png
Figure 1

Figure 1 illustrates an example from Chrome. If you cannot see the image correctly, right-click on it, and you can see the big picture. It is a handy browser extension that delivers all the news to your tab. Thus, all that is left for you is to read the articles. I want to mention that they do not pay me to give them publicity. I gave them free advertising everywhere because they are amazing, and it makes it easier to stay up to date with the technology world.

In conclusion, Daily is the only news aggregator I use. It is time-saving, useful, and handy.

3. Email newsletters

Subscribing to newsletters is an excellent way to get lots of valuable information to your email. Most of the newsletters curate the best content in tech and deliver it to your inbox. That is, they do all the work for you. You just need to open the resources and enjoy them!

However, there are many newsletters and it can be challenging to find the right ones. Nobody wants spam in their inbox, right? Thus, in this section, I've provided you with my personal list of some of the most valuable, information-rich newsletters that I've come across and subscribe to, in no particular order:

  • CSS-Tricks => Do not be fooled by the name; CSS-Tricks is more than just CSS tricks. They send valuable content, such as short articles, and they also include links to useful resources. There's good reason that it's one of the most popular web development email newsletters.
  • Zero to Mastery => ZTM actually has three monthly newsletters (Web Developer Monthly, Python Monthly, Machine Learning Monthly). All of them are bacially a curation of the most interesting and important articles, news, resources, podcasts and videos from the previous month. Web Developer Monthly and Python Monthly are curated and written my ZTM Founder & Lead Instructor, Andrei Neagoie and Machine Learning Monthly is written by Machine Learning Instructor, Daniel Bourke. This truly isn't biased just because ZTM was willing to cross-post this blog, I am genuinely subscribed and have gotten a ton of value from their newsletters. They post all of the previous editions on their developer blog so I highly recommend you check them out for yourself.
  • TLDR => This is a daily, curated newsletter with links and "TLDRs" (too long didn't read) of the most exciting stories in the tech scene. I like how the newsletter is laid out and the information they ship out. They cover topics such as big tech & startups, science & futuristic technology, programming, design, data science, and miscellaneous news. I guarantee that you find something interesting in all editions.
  • freeCodeCamp => It's likely you already know the great work they are doing and second time I've mentioned them. Quincy Larson, the founder, shares top articles from their platform in this newsletter. Worth subscribing!
  • Mastering JS Weekly => If you are a web developer, especially if you are using JavaScript, you want to subscribe to this newsletter. They talk a lot about JavaScript in the newsletter but they also talk about topics such as DevOps.
  • Pointer => The Pointer newsletter is a bit different; in a good way. It covers topics such as soft skills in software engineering. Soft skills are often overlooked in tech and I believe that is a big mistake. I would argue that they are more important than technical skills. Pointer also includes lots of resources, making it a great newsletter to add to your list!
  • Bytes => The newsletter is an aggregation of articles from the tech community. It includes programming quizzes, news from the tech world, links to useful articles and more. It's a well-rounded newsletter, with lots of great information.

These are the main newsletters I recommend. I would rather subscribe to a handful of quality newsletters rather than a dozen of average newsletters. Focusing on just a few means you have time to actually read them.

With that being said, these are top tech newsletters that I'd recommend as a great way to stay up-to-date with tech scene and learn new things.

4. Reddit

Reddit is a gold mine when used properly. You can find so much valuable content on the platform. Besides the content, people share lots of useful resources as well.

Let's say you're interested in the field of Data Science for example. There are a ton of awesome subreddits you can join, such as:

... and many more. These are just a handful of examples, but there are way more subreddits. The purpose is not to list all the available Data Science subreddits. The aim is to show you how much technical content you can find on Reddit, depending on what you're looking for and are interested in.

Reddit is a great place to find technical content, whatever the field! Some of the content is written directly on Reddit as well as links to other resources/content outside the platform.

One of the best parts that differentiates Reddit from the other resources on this list (except maybe social media as well) is the lively and passionate discussion that takes place.

5. Social media

Social media platforms are great to stay up-to-date but there can also be a lot of noise and lead to a lot of wasted time so you do need to be careful and be selective about who you follow. That said, there is an endless number of accounts you can follow to get the latest news from the tech world. Some social media accounts I think worth following are:

These are the accounts I recommend when you want to find new information or to learn something new. Of course, the list is not exhaustive, and there are many other useful accounts.


These are the resources I recommend to everyone who wants to read technical content. However, the list is not exhaustive, and there might be other resources. As a result, I encourage you to share other resources in the comments!

The resources recommended in this article are as follows:

  1. Blogging platforms
  2. News aggregators
  3. Email newsletters
  4. Reddit
  5. Social media accounts
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