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jQuery vs Vanilla JavaScript - Deciding on What to Use

Published Mar 24, 2017
jQuery vs Vanilla JavaScript - Deciding on What to Use


This article is not about why you shouldn't use jQuery. Rather, it shows you why you should not always see jQuery as the solution to your problems. It gives you alternative ways of doing jQuery stuff without having to use the library.

jQuery? What Is That Thing?

jQuery is a JavaScript library invented by John Resig, which is now maintained by a team of developers at the jQuery Foundation.

The jQuery library makes front-end development easier by simplifing things such as Animations, AJAX Operations, DOM Manipulation, Event Handling, and lot more. As a result, you can write fewer lines of code and accomplish more in a short amount of time.

Why Should I Use jQuery?

A lot of front-end developers (except for the haters) would no doubt agree that jQuery is one of the best things that has happened to front-end development. Those who do not share this view would at least agree that jQuery makes life easier (hater nods) and speeds up the development time.

For example, here is how you can add fade in animation effect to an element in vanilla JS and jQuery.

FadeIn animation - Plain Javascript

function fadeIn(el) { = 0;

  var last = +new Date();
  var tick = function() { = + (new Date() - last) / 400;
    last = +new Date();

    if ( < 1) {
      (window.requestAnimationFrame && requestAnimationFrame(tick)) || setTimeout(tick, 16);



FadeIn animation - The jQuery Way


You can find out more on the jQuery website.

Why Should I NOT Use jQuery?

There really is no reason why you should not use jQuery. The right question to ask is WHEN should I not use jQuery?

When Should I NOT Use jQuery?

I see a lot of people jumping into jQuery the moment they try to solve a problem without thinking twice. Here are some things you may want to think about before deciding on what to use.

If your boss hates jQuery, I am sorry, but keeping your job is very important so you should probably write Vanilla JavaScript instead.

For those who are new to JavaScript, you may want to avoid jQuery because its functionalities are heavily abstracted, which makes it easy to use. Why is that bad? Because it could deprive you of your learning opportunities. You should invest in understanding the basics of JavaScript before moving on to jQuery or any other library.

Another scenario you'd want to carefully consider before your choose jQuery is whether you want to use the library to solve just one simple problem of DOM manipulation or event listening.
Do you really want to load an extra 85kb script into your page just because you want to solve one or two simple problems?

In summary, you should only use jQuery if you are doing something extremely complicated. You should consider the types of problem you are trying to solve as well as how frequent you might use the library in your app to be sure making your page load 85kb slower is worth it.

I would like to write in plain JavaScript but I don't k...

Me either. I do not know how to do a lot of things in Vanilla JavaScript, but here are some code snippets below that shows you how to do jQuery stuff in plain JavaScript.

jQuery: Add Class


Vanilla: Add Class

if (el.classList)
  el.className += ' ' + className;

jQuery: Set Element Attribute

$(el).attr('tabindex', 3);

Vanilla: Set Element Attribute

el.setAttribute('tabindex', 3);

jQuery: Set Style

$(el).css('border-width', '20px');

Vanilla: Set Style = '20px';

You can view the full list on You Might Not Need jQuery and use the alternative Vanilla code instead of jQuery when you can.

If you are looking to learn jQuery, you can start with these jQuery Tutorial.

If you enjoy this article, don't forget to share it with others and follow me on Twitter to be notified of my new posts.

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Matt Coady
6 years ago

raises hand for jQuery hater

Just like to throw in an extra opinion on this one. jQuery is being slowly phased out of the industry on larger scale projects like github for example. We’re also slowly ripping it out in our product as well.

One of the big drawbacks to jquery is the speed at which is performs. It’s fine for small sites and projects but once you start building anything bigger, performance is going to matter. Take a look at this simple comparison using common jquery hide/show methods:

This is just simply selecting an element, then hiding and showing it 5000 times. Raw javascript is able to do this 174 operations per second, the jquery score around 66. And that’s using the latest jquery, most of the world is still on jquery 1 which only scores 7 ops per second :O

When jquery came out in 2006 it was a miracle. Javascript was a nightmare and browser compatibility was a pain. But that was 12 years ago (it’s older than the google chrome browser). The internet and javascript have changed dramatically since then.

It comes down to what is important for your project and/or you as a developer. If you see yourself working on small one off projects where page performance isn’t important jquery can be a snappy way of getting a project up and running. If you’re looking to break into the industry as a front end developer, jQuery will hold you back as it’s a skillset that’s going to be less in demand year over year. It’s fine for now but if you’re deciding what will be better for you and/or your web app in the long run, it’s best to steer towards raw javascript or other popular frameworks like React or Angular for larger projects.

Thomas Bartanen
6 years ago

From what I’ve read jQuery is much slower to do the same thing. Faster to write, but slower for the computer. Tests show jQuery is about 40 times slower. Have you heard this too?

Marcin Ostaszewski
7 years ago

Really good article - just what I needed to read and know about jQuery. Thanks!

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