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Dynamic Linking in iOS: Code-Level Exploration for Senior Engineers

Published Jul 10, 2023
Dynamic Linking in iOS: Code-Level Exploration for Senior Engineers

In the first part of our series, we delved into the intricacies of dynamic linking in iOS from a high-level perspective. Today, we're going hands-on, examining how dynamic libraries and frameworks are created and utilized in iOS projects, followed by a deep dive into runtime library path resolution and Swift module stability.

Implementing Dynamic Libraries

Let's consider a more advanced operation for our dynamic library. We'll create a dynamic library named MathOperations that calculates the Fibonacci series up to a given number:

public class MathOperations {
    public init() {}

    public func fibonacciSeries(upTo n: Int) -> [Int] {
        var sequence = [0, 1]

        while sequence.count < n {
            let newNumber = sequence[sequence.count - 1] + sequence[sequence.count - 2]
        return sequence

Implementing Frameworks

Next, we'll develop a framework named AdvancedAnalytics, providing a simple mechanism for tracking user events:

public class AdvancedAnalytics {

    public init() {}

    public func trackEvent(name: String, parameters: [String: Any]) {
        // This is a simplified example. 
        // In a real-world application, you would send these events to your analytics server or use an analytics SDK.
        print("Event tracked: \(name), parameters: \(parameters)")

Runpath Search Paths in Depth

Let's look at an example of how @rpath, @loader_path, and @executable_path can be used in an iOS project. These special keywords can be added in your Xcode project's "Runpath Search Paths" setting:

@executable_path/../Frameworks is often used for embedding dynamic libraries in an iOS app. The dynamic linker will look in the "Frameworks" directory inside the app bundle to find the library.
@loader_path/Frameworks is another common runpath used when distributing a framework that itself depends on other dynamic libraries.

Swift Module Stability in Practice

Swift module stability is especially valuable when using third-party dynamic libraries or frameworks. For instance, a framework built with Swift 5.1 or later can be used seamlessly in projects using newer Swift versions, ensuring that your app doesn't break when updating the Swift compiler.

To ensure your dynamic library or framework benefits from module stability, confirm that the "Build Libraries for Distribution" build setting in Xcode is set to "Yes". This guarantees your library's binary interface will remain compatible with future Swift compiler versions.


Diving deep into the code-level details of dynamic linking reveals the true power and potential it holds for iOS applications. The ability to create and manage dynamic libraries and frameworks, combined with understanding runpath search paths and Swift module stability, equips us as senior engineers to build robust, flexible, and memory-efficient iOS applications.

Stay tuned for our next exploration into the fascinating world of iOS internals. Keep coding, keep learning, and keep growing!

As a senior iOS developer and consultant, my journey in coding has taught me the significance of understanding such complex concepts and applying them to solve real-world problems. If you're looking for assistance with your next challenging project, contact me. I'm here to help translate your ideas into efficient, high-performing iOS applications.

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