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Mastering Feature Flag Targeting with LaunchDarkly: Leveraging Context Kinds and Attributes for Precise Control

Published Mar 25, 2024
Mastering Feature Flag Targeting with LaunchDarkly: Leveraging Context Kinds and Attributes for Precise Control

Sure, I can guide you through setting up a feature flag with LaunchDarkly that utilizes targeting options using context kinds and context attributes.

Here's a step-by-step guide:

  1. Login to LaunchDarkly Dashboard: First, log in to your LaunchDarkly account and navigate to your project dashboard.

  2. Create a New Feature Flag: Click on the "Feature Flags" tab and then click the "New Feature Flag" button.

  3. Name Your Feature Flag: Give your feature flag a descriptive name that reflects the feature it controls. For example, if you're creating a feature flag for a new user onboarding flow, you might name it "new-user-onboarding".

  4. Set Up Targeting Rules:

    • In the "Targeting" section, you'll see options to set targeting rules based on users, user attributes, or custom attributes.
    • Choose "Context Kind" and "Context Attributes" to define your targeting rules based on the context in which the feature will be evaluated.
    • For example, if you want to target users based on their subscription plan, you might set the context kind to "user" and define a context attribute called "subscription_plan" with possible values like "basic", "premium", etc.
  5. Set Variation Options: Define the variations for your feature flag. Typically, this includes "On" and "Off" variations, but you can define custom variations as needed.

  6. Save Your Feature Flag: Once you've configured your targeting rules and variations, click the "Save" button to create your feature flag.

  7. Integrate the SDK: Follow LaunchDarkly's documentation to integrate the LaunchDarkly SDK into your JavaScript application. This usually involves adding the SDK to your project dependencies and initializing it with your LaunchDarkly SDK key.

  8. Evaluate the Feature Flag: In your application code, use the LaunchDarkly SDK to evaluate the feature flag based on the current user context. This typically involves calling a method like variation or variationDetail and passing in the user's key and any relevant context attributes.

  9. Test Your Integration: Once you've integrated the SDK and evaluated the feature flag in your code, test it thoroughly to ensure that the targeting rules are working as expected and that the correct variation is returned for each user.

  10. Monitor and Iterate: Keep an eye on your feature flag usage and performance using LaunchDarkly's dashboard and monitoring tools. Iterate on your targeting rules and variations as needed based on user feedback and analytics data.

That's it! You should now have a feature flag set up with LaunchDarkly that uses targeting options based on context kinds and attributes. Let me know if you need further assistance or clarification on any of these steps!

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