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iOS notification sounds not working when the app is in the background

Published Feb 28, 2024

To address the issue of iOS notification sounds not working when the app is in the background or terminated in a Flutter project, we will follow a structured approach. This solution will involve configuring local notifications, setting up background message handling, and ensuring the proper permissions are in place.

Project Scope:
Platform: iOS
Framework: Flutter
Key Requirement: Enable sound for notifications when the app is in the background or terminated.
Solution Outline:

  1. Flutter Local Notifications Package:
    Integrate the flutter_local_notifications package into your Flutter project to manage local notifications, including sound.
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    flutter_local_notifications: latest_version
  2. iOS Notification Settings Configuration:
    Configure your iOS project to handle notifications with sound. This involves setting up the correct sound files in your Xcode project and configuring the notification settings to use these sound files.
  3. Request Permissions:
    Ensure your app requests the necessary permissions for displaying notifications with sound on iOS. This typically involves modifying your Info.plist file to include the UIBackgroundModes key with fetch and remote-notification values, and requesting notification permissions with sound option from the users.
  4. Implement Background Message Handler:
    Use the firebase_messaging package for handling push notifications. Implement a background message handler to process notifications when the app is in the background or terminated.
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    The _backgroundMessageHandler function will handle incoming notifications and use the flutter_local_notifications package to display them with sound.
  5. Testing:
    Thoroughly test the notification functionality across different scenarios: when the app is in the foreground, in the background, and terminated. Ensure the sound plays as expected in each scenario.
  6. Documentation:
    Document the setup process, including how to add new sound files for notifications and how to modify the notification settings for future reference.
    Updated Flutter Project:

The Flutter project updated with the necessary packages and configurations for handling background and terminated app notifications with sound on iOS.

A detailed guide on how to configure and extend the notification system within the project, including managing sound files and notification settings.
Testing Report:

A report detailing the testing scenarios and outcomes to confirm the functionality works as expected across different app states.
The project is expected to be completed by February 29, 2024, allowing for development, testing, and any necessary adjustments based on testing outcomes.
Additional Notes:
Ensure that all sound files used for notifications comply with iOS guidelines and are correctly formatted.
Regularly update the dependencies to their latest versions to avoid potential compatibility issues.

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