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Flight Fantasia: Embark on a Journey with Dynamic Airplane Graphics in p5.js

Published Feb 28, 2024
Flight Fantasia: Embark on a Journey with Dynamic Airplane Graphics in p5.js

Here's a step-by-step solution for your coding homework using p5.js:

  1. Setup p5.js Environment: First, make sure you have the p5.js library included in your HTML file. If not, you can include it like this:
    <script src=""></script>

  2. Create a Canvas: Set up a canvas where you'll draw your

    function setup() {
        createCanvas(800, 600);
  3. Draw the Airplane: Define an Airplane class with properties like position, speed, etc. Then, draw the airplane on the canvas.

    class Airplane {
        constructor() {
            this.x = 50; // Initial x position
            this.y = height / 2; // Initial y position
            this.speed = 2; // Speed of the airplane
        update() {
            this.x += this.speed; // Move the airplane horizontally
            if (this.x > width + 50) { // Reset airplane position when it goes off the screen
                this.x = -50;
        display() {
            fill(255); // White color
            // Draw airplane body
            rect(this.x, this.y - 10, 40, 20);
            // Draw airplane wings
            triangle(this.x + 40, this.y, this.x + 40, this.y - 10, this.x + 60, this.y - 5);
  4. Update and Display: Update the airplane's position and display it continuously.

    let airplane;
    function setup() {
        createCanvas(800, 600);
        airplane = new Airplane();
    function draw() {
        background(0); // Black background
  5. Test: Open your HTML file in a web browser, and you should see a graphic with a moving airplane.

You can tweak the properties of the airplane class (like size, speed, etc.) and customize its appearance according to your requirements. Let me know if you need further assistance with any specific part!

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