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Deploying a Spring Boot application with a MySQL database and front-end assets on AWS or Azure

Published Sep 06, 2023
Deploying a Spring Boot application with a MySQL database and front-end assets on AWS or Azure

Deploying a Spring Boot application with a MySQL database and front-end assets on AWS or Azure involves several steps. Below, I outline a general step-by-step guide for deploying on both platforms. You can choose either based on your specific needs.

Deploying on AWS

Step 1: Preparation


Before deploying, make sure you have all the necessary files and configurations ready. This ensures a smooth deployment process.


  • Package your Spring Boot application into a JAR file.
  • Ensure MySQL database backup or schema is ready.

Step 2: Set up AWS Account and AWS CLI


You'll need an AWS account and the AWS CLI to manage resources.


  • Sign up for an AWS account.
  • Install the AWS CLI and configure it with aws configure.

Step 3: Create an EC2 Instance


Your Spring Boot application needs a server to run on.


  • Open the EC2 dashboard in AWS.
  • Launch a new instance (preferably Ubuntu).
  • Configure security groups to open necessary ports (e.g., 8080 for your application, 3306 for MySQL).

Step 4: Deploy MySQL Database using RDS


AWS RDS provides a scalable and easily manageable database solution.


  • Go to RDS and create a new MySQL instance.
  • Restore your database backup or schema.

Step 5: Deploy Spring Boot Application


The Spring Boot JAR file needs to be on the EC2 instance to run.


  • SSH into your EC2 instance.
  • Upload your JAR file using SCP or any other method.
  • Install Java if not installed.
  • Run the JAR file: java -jar your-app.jar.

Step 6: Update Security and Database Configurations


Make sure that the application can connect to the database and is secure.


  • Update the Spring Boot application's file to use the RDS MySQL instance.
  • Ensure Spring Security configurations are suitable for a production environment.

Deploying on Azure

Most steps are similar to AWS; the main difference is in the services you'll use.

Steps 1-2: Same as AWS

Step 3: Create a Virtual Machine


Equivalent to EC2 in AWS.


  • Create a new VM in the Azure portal.
  • Configure necessary ports.

Step 4: Deploy MySQL Database using Azure Database for MySQL


Managed MySQL service by Azure.


  • Create a MySQL instance in Azure.
  • Restore your database backup or schema.

Steps 5-6: Same as AWS, but on Azure VM

These are general guidelines and the exact steps might vary based on your specific needs and configurations. If you would like to know more details about any specific step please reach out to me.

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