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Alternative solutions to implement a dropdown menu

Published Mar 21, 2024

Alternative solutions to implement a dropdown menu.

Here are a few suggestions:

  1. Use ContextMenu: Instead of a ToolbarItem with a Menu, consider using a ContextMenu on one of the existing toolbar buttons. This would not place the dropdown directly in the toolbar, but it could be an effective workaround. For instance, you could attach a ContextMenu to the "gearshape" settings button to present additional options when the button is long-pressed.
Button(action: {
    // Actions for the main button if needed
}) {
    Image(systemName: "gearshape")
}.contextMenu {
    Button(action: {}) {
        Label("Create a file", systemImage: "doc")
    Button(action: {}) {
        Label("Create a folder", systemImage: "folder")
    // Add more buttons as needed
  1. Custom Dropdown Implementation: Implement a custom dropdown menu using a combination of Popover or Sheet and a Button in the toolbar. When the button is tapped, it could toggle the visibility of the popover or sheet that contains your menu options.
@State private var showingDropdown = false

.toolbar {
    // Other toolbar items...

    Button(action: {
    }, label: {
        Image(systemName: "plus")
    .popover(isPresented: $showingDropdown) {
        // Your dropdown content here
        VStack {
            Button("Create a file") {}
            Button("Create a folder") {}
            // Add more options as needed
  1. Review ToolbarItem Usage: Ensure the ToolbarItem is used within a supported context. According to SwiftUI documentation, ToolbarItem should be placed inside a ToolbarItemGroup within a .toolbar modifier. If you haven't already, verify that the structure aligns with the expected usage, and consider simplifying the toolbar content to isolate the issue.

If these solutions don't directly address the issue or if you are set on using the ToolbarItem, it might be worth exploring the possibility of a bug in the SwiftUI framework itself. In such a case, ensuring that all software is up to date and submitting a bug report to Apple with a minimal reproducible example could lead to a longer-term fix.

BTW, I do offer to conduct research for $25 flat rate (4hours). Let me know if you have a reproducible example in a repository or online code environment. Then I could check into it

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