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Shift-Left Testing in Software Development

Published Oct 30, 2023


In software development, it’s important to make high-quality software products. To achieve this, the industry has changed the way they test software. This new approach is called “Shift-Left Testing.” It means testing software earlier and more often throughout the software development process. This helps improve the quality of the software and makes development more efficient. In this article, we will explain shift-left testing and how it can help improve software quality and development efficiency.

The Shift-Left Testing Paradigm

In software development, "shift left" means moving tasks or activities earlier in the project's timeline. It's like doing something sooner rather than later to catch and fix issues more efficiently. In the past, testing was often done after coding and integration phases. But with shift-left testing, testing is done earlier in the software development process. This means that testing activities are pushed leftward on the timeline, closer to the initial phases of the development process. This helps improve the quality of software products and makes development more efficient.

Imagine you're building a treehouse. If you "shift left," you'd start by planning, measuring, and gathering all the materials before you actually start building. This way, you ensure that you have the right tools and wood sizes, reducing the chance of having to redo work or make adjustments later when the treehouse is partially built. Essentially, you're doing the preparation work earlier to avoid problems down the road. In software, this might involve testing, security checks, or other quality assurance tasks that are done early in the development process to prevent bugs and issues from cropping up later in the project.

Key Principles of Shift-Left Testing

Collaboration Over Silos

Shift-left testing fosters collaboration between development and testing teams from the project's inception. This close collaboration ensures a shared understanding of project requirements and objectives, which, in turn, leads to better test planning and execution.

Test Automation at the Core

Automation is a cornerstone of shift-left testing. It enables the rapid execution of test cases, making it possible to test early and often. Automated tests can be integrated into the continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipeline, providing rapid feedback to developers.

Unit Testing by Developers

Developers play a pivotal role in shift-left testing by creating and running unit tests for their code. These tests are designed to verify the correctness of individual functions, methods, or modules, helping to catch bugs at their source.

Continuous Integration and Continuous Testing

Shift-left testing aligns seamlessly with CI/CD practices. With each code commit, automated tests are executed to detect issues promptly. This ensures that defects are identified and resolved quickly, reducing the cost and effort associated with fixing them later.

Benefits of Shift-Left Testing

Shift-left testing offers several compelling benefits:

  • Cost Reduction
  • Faster Time-to-Market
  • Enhanced Collaboration
  • Continuous Improvement

Using Shift Left: Building a Mobile App for a Retailer

Picture a scenario where a retail company is developing a mobile app to enhance its customer shopping experience. In this project, they decide to implement shift-left testing practices. Let's follow SDLC and see how shift-left will fit in their roadmap:

Requirement Analysis and Planning
Testing experts are involved early in the project, during the requirement gathering and planning phase. So the test team will collaborate with business stakeholders to understand requirements, including the features like online ordering , payment processing, and store locator functionality. The ultimate goal of this exercise is to define a clear and testable acceptance criteria.

Architecture and Design
Test cases are designed concurrently with the development of each feature, even before any code is written. So, as the development team works on the online ordering feature, test cases for this functionality are being developed in parallel. These test cases will validate aspects such as the ability to add items to the cart, the checkout process, and order confirmation. This will also help developers to ensure the implemented scope of the feature is complete.

Unit Testing

Developers create unit tests alongside the code they write for each feature. When the development team is coding the payment processing module, they are also writing unit tests to ensure that individual functions like credit card validation and payment processing work correctly.

Continuous Integration

Continuous integration (CI) and automated testing are an integral part of the development process. With CI, each code commit triggers an automated build and a suite of tests. This means that as soon as a developer submits code for the store locator feature, automated tests immediately verify that it functions as expected.

Feedback and Iteration

Defects are identified and resolved in real-time. Any issues are addressed as they are discovered, reducing the need for extensive rework. During automated testing of the mobile app, if a defect is found in the payment processing, the development team addresses it immediately. This immediate feedback loop ensures the issue is fixed right away, rather than waiting until the end of the project.


Shift-left testing represents a transformative approach to software quality assurance. By integrating testing activities earlier in the SDLC, organizations can achieve higher-quality software, faster development cycles, and significant cost savings. Embracing this paradigm shift is not merely an option but a strategic imperative for those aiming to excel in the competitive world of software development.

In conclusion, shift-left testing embodies the essence of quality assurance in the modern software development landscape. By understanding its principles and adopting its practices, organizations can elevate their software quality and thrive in the digital era.

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Aaron Spancer
6 months ago

I was once helped with this Everything was done quite quickly and skillfully. So I can recommend this service.

Aniket Kulkarni
5 months ago

If used effectively, it can really bring positive push to quality of product as well as turn around time to release it

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