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How to use TailwindCSS in React Native? 🦎

Published Apr 02, 2021
How to use TailwindCSS in React Native? 🦎

As many of you probably know, recently I built my portfolio website in Next.js . For styling, I decided to try the TailwindCSS library as it's gaining quite some popularity at the moment. I was surprised at how well it played out in the end.

I enjoyed very much writing classes instead of styling my elements inline or coming up with class names for them. It increased my productivity a lot and I came to appreciate a lot the utility first approach!

But, it has to come to an end as I am a React Native and I will have to go back to write inline styles, or do I? I might not!

As I am starting my new startup now, I always like to try new things and learn from past experience. What I learned from my past projects, is that I don't like the way I style my components, would that be storing my styles outside the components or doing inline styles or doing both, it doesn't compare to how much faster I use to build components with Tailwind.

That's what made me start to search through google repositories for styling libraries. I found a few libraries that try to change the way we style components in React Native:

I went through all of them, but It still didn't feel right. What I found later was: and this one really resonated with me! 😊

It's basically Tailwind, but made compatible with React Native! Today, was my first day trying it in an actual project, so I am gonna see how it works out, but so far, I enjoy it! 👏

Of course, there are gonna be cases when I am gonna reuse styles in different components, but for that, I am gonna just do this:

import { StyleSheet } from 'react-native';
import tailwind from 'tailwind-rn'; export default StyleSheet.create({ container: { ...tailwind('flex-1 p-12 justify-between items-stretch'),

As you can see, I still use the Tailwind utility classes, but I wrapped it in a container so I can reuse it in other components as well! The beauty of both words! 😁

That's it for today friends! I will keep you posted on things I learn along the way of building my new app. Until then, have an amazing rest of your day! See you tomorrow! 😊

p.s 🤫 I recently started a podcast called The Anxious Developer where I share my knowledge on how to reduce your stress, become more present and productive as a Developer. I would love to hear your thoughts on it! 😊

Remember, you are worthy, you are loved and you matter! Have a great day! ❤️

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10 months ago

Using Tailwind CSS in React Native involves some adaptation since Tailwind is primarily designed for web projects. To achieve a similar utility-first approach, consider using libraries like tailwind-rn or tailwind-react-native-classnames. These tools allow you to use Tailwind-style utility classes in your React Native components, providing a familiar syntax for styling. Additionally, you can leverage utility-first principles manually, creating a set of predefined styles in your React Native project. While not a direct integration, these approaches offer a way to bring Tailwind-inspired styling to your React Native applications.

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