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Organization/Hierarchy Chart on SharePoint (using jquery, Javascipt-CSOM)

Published Jul 08, 2019
Organization/Hierarchy Chart on SharePoint (using jquery, Javascipt-CSOM)

Hi developers,

This time I have a very interesting stuff for you guys. Few days back I got a tricky requirement from one of my customers , its about populating their organizational structure dynamically on their  SharePoint Intranet site without any server side components /Code. Means – there will be a SharePoint list from where data will  be pulled and on a Webpart(CEWP or OOB WP) the hierarchy need to be displayed. Fortunately within few hours I was able to integrate 2-3 things with some javascript / jquery code to accomplish this requirement.  Things require to cook out are

  • jQuery
  • jQuery OrgChart PlugIn  – Kindly read the technical artifacts of jQuery OrgChart from this location.
  • Content Editor WebPart
  • SharePoint Javascript CSOM
  • a SharePoint list
  • jQuery Balloon Plug In – If need to show any additional data

The scenario, I am going to demonstrate here is  to create a corporate organizational structure. For example, CEO on the top then COO, CFO, CTO  then Excutive VPs, AVPs then comes Directors,Managers  after that core execution team.

So, Here we start.

  1. Create a custom SharePoint list having  columns like Title, Manager, Designation .Enter some logical details as mentioned below.

List data for populating Org Chart

  1. Download and place Jquery & jQuery OrgChart plug-in files into the hive’s _layouts folder(see image below).Note : When we  are going through a solution deployment approach we need to place these files inside SP Project to package it to a WSP file.  Here we are directly copying files to _layouts folder just for the sake of demo. If needed you can place the jQuery Balloon file too.


3.Creating the Content Editor WebPart / Script editor WP – Script source file. Save the below mentioned code to a txt file and upload it to the SiteAssets Library. Give the path of the file to CEWP  like  “/SiteAssets/ScriptstxtFile.txt” or directly use this script to your client component.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="_layouts/jquery.orgchart.css" /></pre>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="_layouts/jquery-ui-1.10.3.custom.css" />

<script src="_layouts/jquery-1.9.1.js"></script>
<script src="_layouts/jquery-ui-1.10.3.custom.js"></script>
<script src="_layouts/jquery.orgchart.js"></script>
<script src="_layouts/jquery.balloon.js"></script>

<!--This div will be populated with the <ul><li> structure from the SCOM returned objects-->
<div id="left">
 div.node.bladerunner {
 background-color: #a4a0d9 !important;

div.node.replicant {
 background-color: #d9ada0 !important;

div.node.deceased {
 background-color: #d9d2a0 !important;
 text-decoration: line-through;

div.node.retired {
 background-color: #d9c0a0 !important;
 text-decoration: line-through;

<!--Main Org Structure will pupulate under this DIV-->
<div id="content">
 <div id="main">

<script type="text/javascript">

//loading SharePoint Javascript SCOM
 ExecuteOrDelayUntilScriptLoaded(loadStructure, "sp.js");

//calling the executing function
 function loadStructure() {

//Querying SP using SCOM
 var context = new SP.ClientContext.get_current();
 var web = context.get_web();
 var list = web.get_lists().getByTitle("Employee"); //Employee is SP List containing heirarchy data of the Orgnization
 var viewXml = '<View><RowLimit>1200</RowLimit></View>';
 var query = new SP.CamlQuery();
 this.items = list.getItems(query);
 context.load(items, 'Include(Title, Manager,Designation)');

function onLoaded() {
 //Adding SCOM return objects to an array
 var tasksEntries = [];
 var itemsCount = items.get_count();
 for (i = 0; i < itemsCount; i++) {
 var item = items.itemAt(i);
 var taskEntry = item.get_fieldValues();
 //array's filter function wont work in IE8. Hence GetChildArrayObjects
 //var topHead = tasksEntries.filter(function (item) { return (item.Manager == null) });
 var topHead = GetChildArrayObjects(tasksEntries, null);

/////Logic to create <ul><li>....</li></ul> for jQuery orgChart -- ####Starts Here
 var headName = topHead[0].Title;

var title = topHead[0].Designation + ", Manager :" + topHead[0].Manager;

var listString = "<ul id='organisation'><li class='hide' title='" + headName + "'>" + headName;

//Calling the recursive function.getChildNodes
 var childliststring = getChildNodes(tasksEntries, headName, listString);

listString = childliststring + "</li></ul>";

var divForList = document.getElementById('left');
 divForList.innerHTML = listString;
 /////Logic to create <ul><li>....</li></ul> for jQuery orgChart -- ####Ends Here

//Populating OrgChart using Jquery OrgChart Plug in - Basically it reads Created <ul><li> list named 'organisation' and writes a TABLE - DIV structure.
 $("#organisation").orgChart({ container: $("#main"), nodeClicked: onChartNodeClicked });

//enabling balloon for each orgchart block
 for (var i = 0; i < tasksEntries.length; i++) {

$("div[title=\"" + tasksEntries[i].Title + "\"]").balloon({
 contents: '<img src ="/Images1/_t/images_jpg.jpg"/></br><ul><li> Designation :' + tasksEntries[i].Designation + '</li><li>Phone# : 123-234-1233</li></ul>'



 //Handled event for node clicked.
 function onChartNodeClicked(node) {
 //If we need to do anything specific when clicking a node.
 function onFailure() {
 alert('script failed');

 //Recursive function to create <ul><li> organization structure.
 function getChildNodes(tasksEntries, headName, liststring) {

//var childs = tasksEntries.filter(function (item) { return (item.Manager == headName) });
 var childs = GetChildArrayObjects(tasksEntries, headName);

if (childs.length > 0) {

liststring = liststring + "<ul>";
 for (var cnt = 0; cnt < childs.length; cnt++) {
 var head = childs[cnt].Title;
 var title = childs[cnt].Designation + ", Manager :" + childs[cnt].Manager;
 liststring = liststring + "<li class='bladerunner' title='" + head + "'>" + head;
 liststring = getChildNodes(tasksEntries, head, liststring);
 liststring = liststring + "</li>";

liststring = liststring + "</ul>";

return liststring;

//Alternative function for .filter function to query child objects for a parent in an array
 function GetChildArrayObjects(items, manager) {

var newArray = [];
 for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
 var item = items[i];
 if (item.Manager == manager) {

return newArray;


JQuery OrgChart basically needs a <ul><li> (unordered list) format for populating the Org-Chart. So I am querying the SP List using the SCOM(javascript) and using a recursive function (getChildNodes) the <ul><li> structure is created. After loading this <ul><li> structure I call the jquery orgchart function to populate the hierarchy on the other <div>

The main checkpoints on the above script are :

  • loadStructure() – JS Function uses SharePoint JS SCOM to Query the list to get the Parent-Child Hierarchy.
  • GetChildArrayObjects() – its an alternative to .filter JS function since this is not supported on IE8.
  • getChildNodes – Recursive function mentioned above – Which basically structures the unordered list.(see the <ul> mentioned on image below)
  • $(“#organisation”).orgChart({ container: $(“#main”), nodeClicked: onChartNodeClicked });   – This line of  jQuery code in the above script actually reads the <ul><oli> and generate the OrgChart.  While you skim the above code, you will be able to see a <ul> with ID as ‘organisation’ created which is read and org chart is populated to a <DIV> ‘main’
  • After creating the orgChart, I am iterating through the <DIV> of the OrgChart block according to its ID to enable the ballon
//enabling balloon for each orgchart block
for (var i = 0; i < tasksEntries.length; i++) {

$("div[title=\"" + tasksEntries[i].Title + "\"]").balloon({
contents: '<img src ="/Images1/_t/images_jpg.jpg"/></br><ul><li> Designation :' + tasksEntries[i].Designation + '</li><li>Phone# : 123-234-1233</li></ul>'


Finally the OrgChart is populated as displayed below.  You can see a <ul><li> list on the top, which can made to visible=false to the <DIV> with ID ‘left’ on the above mentioned script, displayed only for testing purpose.


Hope you have enjoyed this article, Kindly let me know if  there is any issues .

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