Ruslan Akiev

Ruslan Akiev

Rising Codementor
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I am a full stack developer on a .NET and Node.js stack
I am a full stack developer on a .NET and Node.js stack

Hello, my name is Ruslan. I have been involved in software development for most of my life. It all started when I began creating simple PHP websites during my school days, and in 2003, I officially began working as a software developer. Since then, I have gained diverse experience in various areas, including developing mobile apps, desktop applications for Windows and Xbox, web services, eCommerce systems, and IoT.

I specialize in building eCommerce systems within the .NET environment, as well as working with Node.js and JavaScript for web development.

Berlin (+02:00)
Joined June 2022
20 years experience
I started working with the .NET framework from its very first version, primarily in the web and e-commerce environment. The majority of m...
I started working with the .NET framework from its very first version, primarily in the web and e-commerce environment. The majority of my work is written in C# for Windows systems, and with the introduction of .NET Core, I also began utilizing it for Linux systems.
20 years experience
I have been designing and maintaining relational databases from the very beginning of my career. My expertise lies primarily in relationa...
I have been designing and maintaining relational databases from the very beginning of my career. My expertise lies primarily in relational databases, but I also possess in-depth knowledge of document and graph-based databases.
20 years experience
Been writing JavaScript for a long time now. Back in the day, it was called 'Dynamic HTML,' and there weren't many fancy frameworks like ...
Been writing JavaScript for a long time now. Back in the day, it was called 'Dynamic HTML,' and there weren't many fancy frameworks like we have nowadays.
4 years experience
Building production applications in TypeScript for the last 4 years.
Building production applications in TypeScript for the last 4 years.
4 years experience
Building production applications in Angular for the last 4 years.
Building production applications in Angular for the last 4 years.
2 years experience


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