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Code Clean-up with Kotlin

Published Mar 22, 2018Last updated Sep 18, 2018

I haven’t written a full-fledged article since that article on Dagger in November! Clearly this can’t go on like this forever, can it?

However, being swamped with work to do and being busy is generally a good thing — especially if what you’re paid to work on is written in 100% Kotlin! After a while, things you take for granted in Java just seem like meaningless clutter that can be refactored with Kotlin language features — in ways that Java’s language specifications wouldn’t allow.

I’ve seen a lot of people (previously, me included) who felt that “usage of Kotlin directly results in an unreadable mess”; but apparently with some discipline it really is possible to write more concise and more readable code.

So without further ado, here are some tips and tricks to reduce clutter compared to what one would do in Java, while keeping it readable instead of just short.

1.) Ability to use control flow keywords as part of an assigment

While this might seem basic, I often see newly written Kotlin samples that do not utilize this feature at all.

String name = "Hello"!";

In Java, one could easily write code like this:

String name;
if(something) {
    name = "Something";
} else {
    name = "Other thing";

In Kotlin, we can reduce this like so:

val name = if(something) {
} else "Other thing"

Personally, I’m not a fan of abandoning the { and } of an if statement, I even set the auto-formatter to force the braces. We can make this nicer using when, allowing us to nicely encapsulate this block of code.

val name = when {
    something -> {
    else -> "Other thing"

What’s nice is that we can take this further one level — we could even write something like return when {...}.

2.) Using inline generic extension functions to reduce duplication

a.) apply

Sometimes, we have some setup code that we just can’t reduce at all with Java. A good example would be the static factory method newInstance() that people tend to define for Fragments.

public class CatFragment extends Fragment {
    public static CatFragment newInstance(String catId) {
        CatFragment catFragment = new CatFragment(); 
        Bundle bundle = new Bundle(); 
        bundle.putString("catId", catId); 
        return catFragment;

Then we have another fragment, initialized in a very similar way:

public class DogFragment extends Fragment {
    public static DogFragment newInstance(String dogId) {
        DogFragment dogFragment = new DogFragment(); 
        Bundle bundle = new Bundle(); 
        bundle.putString("dogId", dogId); 
        return dogFragment;

Now with Kotlin, we could keep this exact same logic:

class CatFragment: Fragment() {
    companion object {
        fun newInstance(catId: String): CatFragment {
            val catFragment = CatFragment() 
            val bundle = Bundle() 
            bundle.putString("catId", catId) 
            catFragment.arguments = bundle 
            return catFragment

In fact, if you check samples online, this is what you often find.

However, all those local variables I defined with val? They are completely unnecessary. I can use the standard generic inline functionapply {, and move these instantiations in the lambda.

class CatFragment: Fragment() {
    companion object {
        fun newInstance(catId: String) = CatFragment().apply { 
             arguments = Bundle().apply {
                 putString("catId", catId)

class DogFragment: Fragment() {
    companion object {
        fun newInstance(dogId: String) = DogFragment().apply { 
             arguments = Bundle().apply {
                 putString("dogId", dogId)

We’ve eliminated a lot of duplication and unnecessary local variables we wrote “just to make things work”.

However, one could argue that we’re nesting a lot. And we’re duplicating the .apply { arguments = Bundle().apply {. Couldn’t this be made nicer? Sure could be, if we define our own extension function for every fragment.

We can write this code:

class CatFragment: Fragment() {
    companion object {
        fun newInstance(catId: String) = CatFragment().withArgs { 
            putString("catId", catId) 

class DogFragment: Fragment() {
    companion object {
        fun newInstance(dogId: String) = DogFragment().withArgs { 
            putString("dogId", dogId) 

Where withArgs is:

inline fun <T: Fragment> T.withArgs(
                             argsBuilder: Bundle.() -> Unit): T = 
    this.apply {
        arguments = Bundle().apply(argsBuilder) 

With that, our code is more readable, and with the help of Kotlin’s inline keyword, this simplification doesn’t have any performance cost.

If the signature of withArgs seems somewhat complicated, I assure you — reading this stuff becomes first-hand nature after working with Kotlin for a bit. After all, we’re just passing a lambda, and mess around a bit with who’s this! I initially learned about it from here.

b.) let

Oftentimes you check through some Kotlin code and it looks like this:


So many ?s! Clearly we can make this nicer?

activity?.let { activity ->

By using a single ?.let, we could remove all the safe call operators! Also, one more things to mention, of course — instead of letting let rename the argument to it, I can just specify an actual name for it.

This is probably not a surprise to long-time Kotlin users, but still — you often find examples like this:

placeAutocompleteResult.predictions.forEach {
    placeList.add(PlaceModel(it.description, it.placeId))

So you look at it and you need to find out from the context what it is.

I’d prefer to write:

placeAutocompleteResult.predictions.forEach { prediction ->

More characters? Yes. More readable? Also yes.

I try to avoid the usage of it almost wherever possible - this definitely solves the “nested it” problem.

c.) takeIf

In some cases like this:

if(something != null && something.thingy) {
} else {

You can replace that logic with

something?.takeIf { it.thingy }?.let {
} ?: {

Which can be handy in some assignments. I don’t use it that often though, but sometimes it's useful.

3.) Killing Android View boilerplate with anko / kotlin-android-extensions

First thing first: ankois a modular library, which was written with the intention to help Android development. It is also completely independent from kotlin-android-extensions.

A lot of anko is a double-edged sword: for example, I sure wouldn’t use anko-layouts, nor anko-sqlite, and probably not anko-coroutines either (but I haven’t delved that deep in suspend, personally).

However, anko has two useful things: anko-commons and anko-listeners.

implementation “org.jetbrains.anko:anko-commons:0.10.4” 
implementation “org.jetbrains.anko:anko-sdk15-listeners:0.10.4

Once we’ve added these, and we also apply

apply plugin: ‘kotlin-android-extensions’

We can now replace all that view binding

lateinit var myButton: Button

fun onButtonClick() {

override void onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {


import kotlinx.synthetic.my_activity.myButton

override void onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

    myButton.onClick { ... }

I used to favor ButterKnife, but as no one (including me) ever wrote an annotation processor that would generate page objects for Espresso tests based on @BindView and @OnClick annotations, the transition is worth it for the LOC reduction.

Don’t forget to use LayoutContainer in RecyclerView’s ViewHolders when using synthetic imports, though.

Also, use camelCase for your view IDs if you use kotlin-android-extensions. I've seen variable names in Kotlin samples like text_user_date and it's not nice at all!

4.) Killing Parcelable boilerplate with @Parcelize

Implementing Parcelable manually is a pain. Generating a Parcelable implementation is easy, but maintenance after it is hard. auto-value-parcel is nice, but what if we could make it easier?

Sure enough, thanks to kotlin-android-extensions, we can now use @Parcelize to turn something parcelable.

androidExtensions { 
    experimental = true 

Then we can do:

data class CatKey(val clazz: String) : Parcelable {
    constructor() : this("CatKey")


@Parcelize uses the primary constructor for determining what to save out as Parcelable. For additional configuration, it is possible to override the default behavior with object: Parceler<T>, and we can also provide @TypeParceler if needed. You can also ignore properties with @IgnoredOnParcel.

It’s all described on the official page, though. Sometimes the documentation is more helpful than Stack Overflow (as I couldn’t find any questions about it — the documentation describes things perfectly well, though!).

5.) A note on DI frameworks

While there are numerous emerging "DI" solutions out there for Kotlin, personally, I'd rather stick with Dagger for now - Dagger isn’t as hard as people tend to say.

@Singleton class MyRepository @Inject constructor(
    private val service: MyService,
    private val dao: MyDao
) { ...

But it's worth noting that Kodein 5.0 is in the works and currently beta, and it'll fix many pain points of its DSL. The benefit of Kodein (and Koin) is that they do not rely on annotation processing (as Dagger generates Java code), which means they'd work even in a cross-platform Kotlin project - rather than just on the JVM.

The downside is that Kodein is a service locator, not strictly "DI", because we must define the graph, instead of letting it be automatically resolved.


Hopefully, this article helped show some ways to utilize Kotlin and its extensions to simplify our code, while keeping it still readable.

I haven’t really mentioned lazy delegates nor tuples/decomposition, those also have their uses from time to time. I also haven’t mentioned the newly releasedandroid-ktxeither, there’s lots of ideas to gather from its source code!

For what it’s worth, the Kotlin ecosystem is growing, and it truly does have features (apply, when, inline extension functions and higher order functions) which make everyday problems easier to solve.

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