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Most Important Topics To Learn As An Expert ROR Developer

Published Apr 30, 2019
Most Important Topics To Learn As An Expert ROR Developer

There are lots of topics those are very important to know as a perfect ruby on rails developer. I have collected some most important topics and I have thought to share here at LinkedIn. If anything you guys wants to add than please add them in comments.

I am planning to create a course for all the below mentioned stuffs so everyone can take a deep into it. I will share the course link here after the completion of my videos.

Learning Stuffs :

1. Good Practice for being more better in rails

=> Active Job ( How and Why )
=> Active Storage ( How and Why )
=> Libraries ( How and Why )
=> Services ( How and Why )
=> Decorators ( How and Why )
=> active_model_serializers ( How and Why )
=> Rake Tasks ( How and Why )
=> Organised Seed Data with proper manner ( How and Why )

2. Topics for being perfect

=> Concerns in rails
=> Include/Require/Load ( For Dynamically including stuffs )
=> Dynamic Routes
=> Scopes/Lambda/Proc/Block
=> Create your own class level method for any existing classes ( String, Integer, Float, Double, Array, Hash etc)

3. How to use associations in proper and efficient manner with dynamic classes and keys. It will include all type of associations.

4. Plugins

=> Rails Engine
=> Rails Plugin

5. Gems

=> Why we use
=> How to override using monkey patching
=> How to create
=> How to deploy

6. Socket Programming ( Real Time Sync ) using below mentioned things

=> Thin & Faye
=> Pusher
=> Websocket Rails
=> Real Time Sync Rails ( render_sync )

7. Redis Server

=> Synchronize Process for more than 1000 parallel connections

8. Resque, Resque Scheduler and Sidekiq with Dynamic Scheduling

9. Cap Deployment / Vlad Deployment with proper dynamic script

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