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Flutter 2.8 - New Features, Bug Fixes, and What's Ahead.

Published Jan 02, 2022
Flutter 2.8 - New Features, Bug Fixes, and What's Ahead.

Top 5 new features that you should know with flutter 2.8, Version 2.0 already released last year but what make 2.8 even better.

You can check my video if u have less time to read, link below

Here are 5 things u need to know..

1 - Mobile Performance
what makes 2.8 even better, the first thing they did is to work on their mobile performance, indeed you are too cold it just said that upgrading to flutter 2.8 sure starts faster your apps and use less memory.

2 - New Sign in Widget
The next crazy thing with this new release is the new sign-in widget that use firebase to handle authentication, this new widget tool and builds the 2-factor authentication and the reset password user flow it should also make much easier to Google Apple Twitter or Facebook authentication.

3 - Big win for the flutter community
The third one is not really a feature but it's a big win for the flutter community a few months ago they were more than 200000 flutter apps in the play store and they just said that the number of flutter apps have nearly doubled with more than 375 apps now only in the play store this just confirmed a flutter momentum.

Which will create more jobs in the future expenditure in bigger to flutter community in more simple words it means flutter to the moon.

4 - Flame Engine
Next, we have one of my favourites the version one of flame engine has been released flame is currently the best way to create games with others even though I think unity is better this is still a big step for the flutter mobile game development.

5 - Dart Tear off
the next thing is about dart you can now create tear off from a constructor the example they give us if you can create a list of text widget

Widget build (Buildcontext context) {
  return Column(
    children: ['Apple','Android'].map( toList()):

Stay tuned for more updates like this. Happy coding..

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