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Having issues deploying your app, making add-ons or gems work on Heroku?

<p>I have extensive knowledge about setting up and deploying ruby on rails applications up to Heroku. I can help you by doing a code review of your project and guide you through the process of getting it ready for deployment, or if you are already deployed and want to optimize for production and high scale I can help you out with that.</p><p>Aside from the basics about Ruby on Rails and Heroku, these are some specific topics I have helped others with:</p><ul><li>Setting up uploaders with carrierwave/fog + amazon s3</li><li>Assets Pipeline</li><li>Enabling Unicorn and understanging how to set the right amount of workers</li><li>Interpreting New Relic reports and improve apps performance</li><li>Memcachier implementation on your Rails app</li><li>Load testing with Blitz.io</li><li>Setting up a staging environment in Heroku to replicate your main production env</li><li>Database backups, upgrades to production levels, followers and dataclips</li><li>Using workers for background jobs (using delayed_jobs gem)</li><li>Devise for user authentication</li><li>Interacting with Facebook API using Koala gem</li><li>Interacting with Twitter API using the official twitter gem</li><li>Search indexes for your data models with Solr and/or Sphinx</li></ul>