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Make sure your code adheres to the WordPress coding standards

Nikola Nikolov
Jul 05, 2014
<p>So, you're writing a plugin or a theme for WordPress and you want to make sure that your code follows the <a href="http://make.wordpress.org/core/handbook/coding-standards/php/">WordPress Coding Standards</a>? Fear not, I myself follow those standards by simply writing all of my code according to them(I don't use an automatic indentation/clean-up tool), so I'm verry quick and efficient in applying them to code.&nbsp;</p><p>I can go with you through your code and show you exactly what parts of it need to be changed in order to match the WordPress standards.</p><p>You might say that sticking with the WordPress-defined standards might not&nbsp;be a big deal, but it's very important for everyone to follow them, so that it's a bit easier for other developers to jump right into your code.&nbsp;</p>