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When you feel your project is getting bogged down

Victor Kane
Mar 07, 2015
<p>When you started out, it looked like you had a clear idea in your mind. As the codebase grows you find yourself spending more and more time in the IDE or text editor, and sometimes when you get a piece of the code going, it's no longer so clear what to do next.</p> <p>People are asking you when the project is going to be finished, and your finding that's more and more a difficult question to answer.</p> <p>I can probably help you with this in just a few sessions. Here are the tough questions we'll be looking at right from the start, for example:</p> <ol> <li>Who is your application for exactly? Why would these users want to use it?</li> <li>Who have you interviewed that say they would pay for this? Have they seen the latest MVP (minimum viable product for testing)? Do you have an MVP?</li> <li>What other applications exist that do this?</li> <li>What pain points do people complain about when they use those other apps?</li> <li>What pain points are people finding with your MVPs?</li> <li>What's the backlog user story you are most excited about (and for which you have users who would beta test it)</li> <li>Who has said they would beta test it? Who would be the best one to test it?</li> <li>Could they write an acceptance test?</li> <li>Please explain the architecture of your app in 25 words or less?</li> <li>Please explain the decision to use the framework you are using.</li> <li>Can we have a ten minute debate on your statement&nbsp;"I don't need no stinking framework".</li> <li>Which are the parts of your project that are the hardest to do and why? What other difficulties are you experiencing?</li> <li>What's your backlog? What's your roadmap?</li> <li>Which version control system are you using? What is your branching method (Gitflow?)</li> <li>Which issue tracking system are you using?</li> <li>Which IDE are you using? Which were your alternatives</li> <li>What are you using for provisioning, for deployment. Where are you hosting and why? Automation?</li> </ol>