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Why learn PHP? About 240 million websites and 2.1 million web servers use it. That’s because it’s one of the most powerful open-source server-side scripting languages. Whether you’re just getting started or you’re an expert wrestling with a snag in your code, Codementor’s experts can help you can learn PHP online. You'll get to learn related topics like CodeIgniter, Zend, CakePHP, and Symfony2.

Learning PHP Online on Codementor

When you turn to one of our experts for PHP help, you’ll be drawing on a pool of talent that includes O’Reilly authors and tech leads of startups. Learning PHP is a lot easier when you’ve got a Codementor on your side.

Learning PHP Codementor Stats

  • 36921+ PHP Experts
  • 1.3 hrs Average PHP Session Length
Removed PHP, along with JavaScript, are my programming language of choice, I use it since 2005, I wrote almost everything, CMS addons (WordPress plugins, Drupal modules, SMF mods...) and I still use it and...

James King PHP is my most expert language. I've used PHP on a daily basis since I was in High School and know the language inside out. In the past few years (since Laravel 3), I've been using Laravel.

Onkar Mumbrekar I have been working on php since last 3 years,I have worked on image manipulation and server side scripting and also have done full stack development.