I've started my developer career in early 2010s, after I found myself being unable to process a large dataset with standart MS tools. Since then I have learned databases, data processing and analysis with R and Python, then discovered the world of Web Development and decided to build my future careed around it.
The very first project was a web-based interface to account laboratory orders and expendable materials for my friend's lab. The second one was a desktop GUI for a scientific articles database, writter in Python + Qt4 and PostgreSQL.
Few years later I discovered some freelance services like Upwork and became a part-time freelancer. Since then I discovered a bunch of new technologies, and now I'm able to build a medium-sized project from scratch in a short time and with a good quality. Being a freelancer was a fun time, with lots of new projects and new connections, but now I'm looking forward and have a desire to share my experience with others.