I love code reviews because they bring together people who share a desire to write code that is less buggy, more understandable, and designed for reuse and potential change. I have fun learning how fellow coders solve problems and helping them succeed by providing a fresh perspective. I want to share my excitement for the craft in any way I can. That is why I am a Codementor!
It all started for me when I was twelve years old and got my first computer. I wanted to make games, but I didn't know where to begin. Unwittingly, I chose a book about AppleScript. Before I knew it, I had taught myself a variety of programming languages that I used for fun. In high school, I took and became a tutor for several computer science courses at a junior college, and I liked helping students learn skills that gave me joy. In college, I studied computer engineering and decided on a career in embedded systems. As a result, I tend to favor C and C++, but I happily learn and use whatever tools are needed for the job. Check out my LinkedIn profile for more details on my work experience.