Steven Noto

Steven Noto

Rising Codementor
For every 15 mins
Lead software engineer, with way too many opinions on Java and coding!
Lead software engineer, with way too many opinions on Java and coding!

Lead software engineer with 15 years of experience designing, developing, and managing. It's my passion to build tools that make people more efficient and happier.

Proficient in enterprise application development, database design, and big data architecture.

Central Time (US & Canada) (-05:00)
Joined November 2014
15 years experience
Worked with MySQL, PostgreSQL, DB2, and SQLServer
Worked with MySQL, PostgreSQL, DB2, and SQLServer
12 years experience
Developed many databases for clients in MySQL
Developed many databases for clients in MySQL
2 years experience
Migrated enterprise EDW to Hadoop/Pig
Migrated enterprise EDW to Hadoop/Pig
15 years experience
Use Java extensively for desktop, server, and web applications
Use Java extensively for desktop, server, and web applications
1 year experience


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