Solving The Never-Ending Requirements of Authorization

About the talk

Implementing access controls in your application can be a never-ending task as business requirements change. What begins as a simple check to see if the user's email is from your own domain name turns into a complex web of if/else statements to determine who can do what. Coming up with a scalable, manageable, and maintainable authorization process is key to meeting evolving requirements as your business scales.

This talk will cover

  • Different areas of consideration when implementing permissions.
  • Common stages in the evolution of a company where authorization needs to fundamentally change.
  • Example of how to take a gitops-based approach to scale policy.
Testing & Development Tools

About the speaker

Alex Olivier

Alex is the Product Lead at Cerbos, solving the headache of authorization. Having worn the hats of Developer, Consultant, Tech Lead and PM, he has a wide view of business needs. He has spoken at CollisionConf, Google Cloud NEXT, CogX, AI Congress.

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