Intro to JavaScript Asynchronous Programming

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Trailer for the talk

Here's a sneak peek of the talk: Learn asynchronous JavaScript conceptually and practically with Tapas through live coding examples.

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About the talk

Contrary to the view of many JavaScript developers, asynchronous programming is more than simply using async and await. In this talk, we will explore how JavaScript works under the hood with real examples to help you program and debug critical issues with confidence.

This talk will cover

Explanations and live coding examples of important concepts such as:

  • Synchronous and asynchronous code execution of JavaScript functions
  • Promises, callbacks and async/await
  • The basics of browser APIs
Web Development

About the speaker

Tapas Adhikary

Tapas is a web developer, blogger, YouTuber, and mentor with 10+ years experience in JavaScript and its frameworks/libraries. He works as a UI Architect & Senior UX Manager at Microfocus. He's passionate about open source and knowledge sharing.

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