AI Safety for Biz: Guide to Responsible Tech Use

About the talk

In this talk, we'll explore AI Safety in business, merging cutting-edge tech with corporate responsibility. With AI's growing role in operations, grasping its risks and ethics is crucial. Tailored for software engineers, we'll dissect AI safety and ethical practices. As we integrate AI, responsible usage is key.

This talk is an invitation for software engineers to lead the charge in shaping a future where AI is not just smart, but also safe and ethical.

This talk will cover

  • Building AI with Heart and Mind
  • Speaking the Language of Respect through AI
  • The Art of Protecting Data in AI
  • AI: Keeping it on the Right Path
Web Development

About the speaker

Jerome Hardaway

Jerome, a Microsoft engineer, CTO at MyRuck AI, and Vets Who Code founder, teaches on LinkedIn Learning. He's a GitHub Star, White House guest, and speaker at major tech events.

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